Friday, February 29, 2008

Bodybuilding In Jail

We all make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes lead us into jail. While you`re sitting in your cell complaining about how stupid you were to be there, why not do something positive for yourself like bodybuild? Why not turn your life around and actually be in control for once? "So now what?" you say. Well now is when knowledge will become your best friend. Training, nutrition, and rest are three important factors when it comes to building a great body in jail.

Creating a good workout routine will depend on what type of equipment you use. Books, drawers, shoes are all good alternatives to dumbells if you don`t have access to any. You can also do plenty of exercises with your own bodyweight such as push ups, crunches, leg raises, supermans, bridges, bench dips, air bike, freehand jump squat, and glute kickbacks. Choose from some the exercises above and create your own routine. My jail cell had an exercise bike which is a good form of cardio other good methods are jumping jacks, burpies, and if you`re desperate just walk or jog around in your cell. If you can, try to find a good training partner as well to help you stay motivated. It also will look better when you`re not the only person exercising.

Since your only fed three meals a day, getting good nutrients is going to be tough. Most meals consist of high GI carbs, foods high in saturated fat, and not much protein so you`ve got to be smart when choosing what you eat. A good trick is to eat all the healthy foods on your tray and afterwards go around looking for leftovers to help fill you up. Since most trays consist of at least one sort of junk food, you should trade that junk to somebody for something healthy. Just don`t let the security guard catch you. You`re also going to have to time your meals so you can perform your exercises and do your best to get your post workout nutrition afterwards. You also have to remember to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. A good rule is to look at your piss and if it`s yellow then you need to drink more water.

In my jail, getting enough sleep is very difficult. People are always complaining and yelling stupid stuff in the dorm so it`s very difficult to get enough. One way I found is asking for earplugs if they allow them which will help out alot. You`re not going to be very active and you will be sitting around alot so you shouldn`t have any reason to worry about overtraining. On your last meal of the day, try to eat fibrous or complex carbs because they will help you sleep better.

Those are some basic bodybuilding principles to use while you`re in jail. You should be able to keep your goals even while in jail if you want it enough. I wrote this article sitting in a jail cell with the hopes that other bodybuilders survive while being locked up. Until next time keep your head up and stay hungry. Peace.


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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bodybuilding Magic In The Last Rep

Bodybuilding enthusiasts, as well as strength training participants, all want quick, visible muscle defining results. Their main goal is to add different degrees of lean tissue or fat burning muscle to their bodies all according to personal objectives. Bodybuilders want to add as much muscle mass as possible, while fitness enthusiast want to either maintain muscle mass, or slightly increase strength and size. It all depends upon the specific goals and objectives of each participant.

Bodybuilding magic occurs not during the first rep, but the last. Do you know the last, most difficult, repetition triggers 90% of muscle building results?

The main principle in increasing muscle strength and size is overload. If you place a greater stress on your muscles than you had during the previous workout, that specific muscle will be stimulated, and overloaded enough causing an adaptive responsive. This event results in greater strength and muscle tissue development. The adaptive response is dependent upon the intensity of that last magic, muscle producing rep.

Bodybuilding and strength training participants should really focus on conquering that last, near impossible muscle building repetition. A valiant effort of trying to move that last rep will trigger the muscle group to adapt, and grow stronger.

Don't give up too easily when you feel the weight is challenging. Battle that rep for at least 4 seconds. Even if you are unable to complete the full rep, you have succeeded, and the muscle building growth process will follow. That is, only if you have had sufficient rest between workouts. It is not during the bodybuilding workout when muscle building results occur, but rather after consecutive rest days to allow for muscle building compensation followed by overcompensation.

The last rep is the stimulus that triggers this whole process which bodybuilding and strength gains are based upon. Please note, this whole process can be short circuited by not allowing enough rest time between workouts for overcompensation to occur. If you allow your body sufficient rest, your muscle strength will continue to increase with each subsequent bodybuilding workout. If not, you need more days off to recover from the previous workout. You only have a limited number of resource recovery abilities available, so don't short circuit your results by not allowing the recovery process to finish.

Instead of focusing on which bodybuilding supplement brings good bodybuilding fortune, focus on what really matters - the last, muscle building rep. Then allow your body to do the rest.

Your primary goal should be to reach that repetition you can't complete after struggling four or more seconds. If you follow this last rep, maximum stress,followed by sufficient rest principle, then you will see magic in your bodybuilding results.

For even more detailed bodybuilding information, tips, and resources visit Bodybuilding Hub right now!


*** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners *** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, Blog, Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.

Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967 __________________________________________________________

Jim O'Connor, a celebrity fitness consultant in Beverly Hills, california, has been passionately involved in bodybuilding for most of his adult life. He is the creator of Bodybuilding Get the latest informaton on the best bodybuilding supplements today.

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7 Simple Steps To Beginning Bodybuilding (Part 2 of 2)

This is part 2 of the 2-part "7 Simple Steps To Beginning Bodybuilding" series.

4. You Must Track What You Eat

That's right! Needless to say... not a lot of people do this. They just bulk so they eat anything in sight. Or they want to burn fat so they just quit eating. If you don't track what you are eating, you are just guessing.

And guessing is no way to meet a goal. Once you know how much you need to eat, you can easily track that and meet your daily goals. Once you get into a routine (certain foods and portions) you'll have a very good idea of what you eating.

Tracking what you eat is a must. At this point, in only 4 steps, you've just outlined the foundation for nutrition!

5. Choosing An Exercise Routine

Here's a clue... it involves every major muscle group. A good basic workout should include:

* Legs (squats, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls, leg press) * Shoulders (military press, dumbbell raises, side laterals) * Chest (bench press, flyes, dips) * Back (pull-ups, rows, deadlifts, lat pull-downs) * Arms (ez-bar curls, barbell curls, dumbbell curls) * Abs (hanging leg raises, incline crunches) * Cardio (for the heart)

I could go on and on with this question and post 500 routines and reps and sets and you'd still be confused. So let me ease the confusion by saying this.


I've tried several routines. Max-OT, Tom Venuto's supersetting, Optimum Anabolics and I'll tell you something. I've gotten gains out of all of them and they all have various philosophies. For less then $100, I have enough programs to try for a year.

Here's proof.

Do you see the same people in your gym, doing the same things, and a year later they look the same? It's really quite simple. If you keep doing what you've always done, you will keep getting what you've always gotten.

There's many variations on exercises and routines you can do. And you'll find out a ton of them while browsing around on forums and reading fitness sites. And while you might be tempted to stick with just one. Don't. Try it, evaluate it, and try another one. After about 6 months, you'll know your body very well and what it responds to. You will have tried many exercises and you'll know if you like something and if something else just doesn't work out.

6. Deciding On Supplementation

While 97% of your progress will come from nutrition and training there are still a few basics to consider. There's also a point when you might want to go beyond the basics if you want the optimal amount of gains.

But what are the basics of supplementation?

Daily multi-vitamin Omega 3 and 6 EFA complex (fish oil, flax seed) Whey protein (specifically for after workouts)

Just that small amount of supplementation is all you should need to bring your nutrition levels to 100%. Those are the basics. It's pretty simple.

As you progress down the line, you might want to consider going beyond the basics.

7. Monitoring Your Progress

I cannot tell you how many people do not follow this rule. If you don't take measurements, track your progress or inspect yourself in a mirror, it's pretty difficult to impossible to know where you've been to know where you are going.

Making small daily goes is a wonderful method of keeping the momentum moving forward and keeping yourself motivated to reach your goals. This is difficult when you don't keep track of what you just did in order to beat a personal best.

It's also the #1 reason why people get so frustrated with nutrition and training and progress in general. They just look at themselves at that very moment and decide immediately if the last 4 months of effort was worth it. They don't take into account they did better then the last workout and they don't quite realize they lost a pant or dress size. They just make judgments on what they perceive to be reality at that moment.

Methods of tracking your progress include:

Tracking what you eat Tracking your workouts in a notebook or other method Taking periodic measurements of standard body areas using a variety of methods Taking periodic photographs

When you measure your progress on a frequent but not daily basis, you will soon see that your efforts are paying off. And if there is a course adjustment necessary you can quickly correct it before it's too late. This critical stage is often overlooked because most people barely can figure out what to eat let alone be bothered to track their progress.

You will start to notice people around you year after year complaining of the same things they complained about the year before.

Would you build a house without tracking its progress? Would you drive your car without monitoring its performance and getting regular tune-ups? For those of you with children, you look at report cards and homework quizzes as a method of tracking your child's scholastic performance. You know where there might be a problem and can correct it before it becomes a major issue. Many of you track the performance of your portfolio holdings.

So why not track the progress of your workouts?

With just a few simple fundamental steps, you can ensure that all of your workouts and waking moments are spent on the right path to fitness. No matter what your goals may be, male or female, if you follow these steps, you will ensure your success.

Marc David is giving away free memberships to his Teach Me Bodybuilding 'private list'. To get your own subscription, visit while charter subscriptions last.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Build Muscle Fast with Bodybuilding Supplements

Are you known as "the weak one?" Got arms like pipe cleaners? Does this bother you? Then it's time. Time to get off your butt and do something. If you desire a Greek God like physique then you need to add bodybuilding supplements.

Bodybuilding supplements offer the necessary nutrtients muscles need to grow and get stronger. Eating a proper diet with lean meat, fruits and vegetables, and no junk food probably won't get the results you are looking for because it's hard to consume what it takes to build muscle from just food. This is where bodybuilding supplements come in.

The top bodybuilding supplements used by the best athletes are Whey protein shakes, creatine monohydrate, L-Glutamine, prohormones and a vitamin/mineral supplement. Other nutritional products designed to keep you healthy and looking great are meal replacement shakes, nutritional bars and low carb snacks. If you are training like an animal, watching everything you eat, but not reaching the desired results then it's time to add bodybuilding supplements.

Leading a healthy lifestyle isn't easy. You must stick with it without looking back. It takes determination, discipline, proper nutrition and supplements. Your body is only going to do so much on it's own. Nutritional support is critical to your success. While exercising and eating a balanced diet is very important, if you want to take your body to the next level you must increase the nutrients necessary to build muscle. Bodybuilding supplements help to do this.

Intense exercise takes a lot of energy and nutrients out of your body. If you don't replace them you will go nowhere! Furthermore, if you don't rebuild what is broken down you will go in reverse. Weight training breaks down muscle tissue and then your natural body reaction is to rebuild. But it can't if you don't feed the muscle with the right products. Bodybuilding supplements are what you need to rebuild and keep building muscle for the best shape of your life.

If you are tired of the way you look in the mirror, then set a goal and do everything you can to reach it. Never let anyone tell you it's impossible. Remember it's your dream, so don't let negative comments prevent you from getting the body you hunger for. Eat. Train. Supplement. Repeat this formula and you'll reach your goal in no time!

OCD Supplements offers advice and supplements for bodybuilding, weight loss and natural health to help you Live Better! Knowledgable staff, training tips, herbal nutritional products and more for complete total health.

Fitness and supplement experts at OCD Supplements. Giving you the best information and products for overall health.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

7 Simple Steps To Beginning Bodybuilding (Part 1 of 2)

When I was 16, I asked myself this very same question that I received from a frustrated 16 year old. It went something like this...

"A Little Help Please! I am 16 and I am VERY skinny! I don't have much fat on me so... you could almost see my bones if I am not wearing anything baggy. I only weight 105 lbs and I know I am tooth pick mainly because I don't eat too much." - Frustrated and Skinny

You have NO IDEA of how close that cry for help sounds like me. When I was 16, I took a picture of myself in front of the family Christmas tree. Somehow I convinced my sister to take the picture and I flexed with all my might.

For those who are curious to see what I really did look like, the picture is at:

Scroll down. You'll see it. It's 100% un-edited. I didn't even remove the glow in the dark plastic eagle necklace I found somewhere.

Anyway, your question was the same thing I wondered myself. I was 16 and tired of being skinny. I thought I did everything I could to gain weight but I was wrong. And I'm going to give you 7 simple steps you can do today to get on the right track to healthy weight gain and make that cry for help, a shout for joy!

If I could get into a time machine I would go back and hand myself a small brochure called:

7 Simple Steps To Beginning Bodybuilding

This would be written by me for me. But I'm positive the next few steps will apply to you as well and any other 16 year olds out there who are frustrated but are in a position to waste a lot of time if they start down the wrong path.

Please don't be confused... these simple steps are for anybody, no matter what age, male or female, who might be looking to start off on the right foot and not waste a lot of time.

Okay, so what can you do? Let's go step by step and figure this out.

Pre-Requisite - Body building isn't just about getting massive. It's not just for men. The word should actually be two words all the time so there's no confusion. You are building your body. That can mean anything to anybody. So the first step is...

1. Pick A Goal

No matter what, if you don't have a short term and long term goal in mind, you'll just wander around, like a zombie with your arms out, going to anything in sight. And 5 years later, you'll wonder what the heck happened!

Having a clear goal is the ONLY way to start. If you want to gain, maintain or lose, that is a goal. Know what you want before you start.

You'd be floored to find out just how many people are frustrated with their results but when asked exactly what they are trying to do, they have no idea.

2. Figure Out How Many Calories A Day You Need

In your case, you say you are skinny and tooth-pick like. But in the next sentence you state you know you don't eat.

[Snap Rubber Band On Wrist Here For Behavior Modification]

When I was 16, I didn't eat either, I skipped many meals (especially on weekends) and I tried all kinds of protein powders and supplements when I was clearly failing at nutrition.

My mom would cook big meals and I'd barely finish my plate before running off to do something. All the while wishing I was bigger and not so skinny.

There's so many simple ways to calculate your calories. That should be your very next step. Once you know what you want to do, you need to know your nutritional intakes in order to obtain that goal. It's not going to be hard at all but if you don't know, you cannot possibly get anywhere.

In other words, if you don't know how many calories a day you need for a certain goal, then don't expect anything different.

3. Figure Out How Much Protein You Need A Day

It's the building blocks of muscle and it's also the only way you are going to build more muscle or keep the muscle you already have today.

Even for burning fat, it's proven that getting enough protein will actually make you leaner.

Again, there's very simple formulas for this that do not require a degree from MIT to perform. And once you know how much protein you need every day, it's really easy in Step 4 to find out if you are getting what you need.

These steps will be continued in part 2

Marc David is giving away free memberships to his Teach Me Bodybuilding 'private list'. To get your own subscription, visit while charter subscriptions last

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What Bodybuilding or Nutritional Supplements are Right for You?

What supplements are going to help you reach your fitness goals? Whether it's to add pounds of muscle, strip away ugly body fat or help you become a better athlete or just a more energetic and healthy person, there are supplements that can make it much easier to reach your goals. But you have to know what works and which supplements are just a waste of money.

You want that extra edge that proper body building, sports and fitness supplementation can add to your training and nutrition program.

There's just one problem. You are completely overwhelmed by the insane number of products on the market with more and more being released every day.

The magazines are filled with ads for supplements that are better than drugs (so they say) with unbelievable before and after pictures and outrageous claims.

You could spend all your waking hours trying to figure out which supplements actually work and which one's will never come close to their claims.

Who has the time and money to figure out which bodybuilding supplements will actually help them achieve their goals?

I've wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on bogus supplements. I keep detailed records of how they affect my body and my results.

In fact, the August 2003 issue of Ironman Magazine contains an article of mine on my experience with Muscle Link's GH Stak.

I don't want to see you make the same mistakes I have made and waste years and thousands of dollars on supplements that don't work.

There are a few quality supplements in every category from muscle building to fat burning to energy boosters and overall health. I'll help you tailor your supplement regime to your specific goals.

There is no doubt in my mind that the right bodybuilding supplements will give you that extra edge and help you reach your goals faster.

However, it's important to know that probably 99% of the supplements on the market don't do what they promise. A lot of them don't even carry the ingredients stated on the label.

This is also why you should stick to quality companies like Optimum Nutrition, Labrada, Gaspari Nutrition, EAS, Muscle Link, Twinlab, Ergopharm, AST and a few others.

Keep in mind that you need to get your training and nutrition programs in line first, berfore you can truly see the benefit of this supplement guide.

Eating french fries all day won't help you build muscle, even if you are taking supplements that actually work.

Before getting any benefits from supplements you need to get your training and nutrition program in place. After that, you can focus on what I call "core" supplements.

What are "core" supplements?

Core supplements are fitness supplements that I consider to be more an intergrated part of a proper and healthy overall nutrition plan.

They make it easy for you to meet your nutritional requirements and become part of your overall sports supplement and nutrition strategy.

They are so much a part of your nutrition plan that you could call them nutritional supplements instead. I even refer to these supplements more as part of my nutritional plan as opposed to my supplement plan.

What are some of these indispensable core supplements?

1 - Multivitamins

2 - Multiminerals

3 - Essential Fatty Acids

4 - Antioxidants

You should never go without core supplements in order to purchase other supplements. If you have the finances to do so, you can add to the core but never sacrifice them for any other supplements.

But ignoring them to purchase the latest, greatest testosterone boosting, growth hormone shooting, fat melting, Z-100 gizmo subdural "injection" like supplement would be like buying all the latest workout fashions and never actually going to the gym.

Don't make that mistake. Please. You'll just be wasting your money and missing out on what effective supplements have to offer.

The next step up in your supplementation program would include such things as the following:

1 - Meal Replacement and Protein Powders

2 - Creatine

3 - Glutamine

4 - A quality ZMA (specifically forumlates Zinc/Magnesium) product

Meal Replacement Powders and Protein Powders are really important enough to be considered core sports supplements.

They allow you to get proper the necesssary nutrients you body needs, as well as meet your protein requirements in an easy and convenient (and nowadays, tasty) fashion.

In today's fast paced world, I feel these supplements are essential to helping you stick to a proper nutrition plan.

It's difficult enough trying to prepare and eat 6 meals a day, let alone plan out the proper food combinations to make sure you are feeding your body everything it needs to function at its best. Not to mention making sure that your meals contain high protein foods.

Get your nutrition and training program in place. Then, stock up on core supplements. You'll that this combination will go a long way toward taking you to your fitness goals, whether it's building twenty pounds of muscle or losing fifty pounds of fat.

Gregg Gillies is the founder of His articles have appeared in Ironman Magazine. He has written two books and writes for Body Talk Magazine. He publishes a free newsletter available at and see how you can get a customized muscle building nutrition plan at

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

The End of Call Center Entrepreneurship: And the Flowering of Offshore Outsourcing

There have been few entrepreneurial ventures in business history as rewarding as the offshore call center. Within Asia, there are numerous tales of entrepreneurs who made tons of money for themselves by creating substantial value for their customers and employees.

A recent one is Ambergris Solutions Inc. in Manila. The company was started a few years ago by three young entrepreneurs with little money of their own and even less call center experience. They had a lot to learn about running a call center, and it took 18 money-losing months before they stumbled upon their first paying customer. But over the two and a half years that followed, their business grew explosively to almost 3,000 employees serving a roster of blue-chip clients. A couple of months ago, controlling interest of the thriving enterprise was sold to a large Canadian IT organization called Telus International in a deal valued at $43.5 million. Many would agree this was an adequate paycheck for just a few years of work.

This story gives the impression that starting a call center in Asia is an easy path to fast riches. However, just a week or so after the announcement of the Ambergris deal, Gartner Inc. released an astonishing report that said, "As many as 70% of the top 15 Indian business process outsourcing start-ups will cease to exist in the coming months." Gartner added scathingly that "despite the hype, only a small fraction of customer service outsourcing will be done at offshore locations."

Dropping Like Flies

The two situations might seem contradictory, but they aren't. Margins in the call center sector have declined steadily over the past couple of years as customers demand lower bill rates and agents insist on higher salaries. The result has been a squeezing out of the smaller (and often newer) operators, which are unable to spread their fixed costs over a larger base of revenue producing agents. Throughout India and the Philippines, there has already been significant rationalization (i.e. closings, buyouts, mergers, etc.) in the call center industry, and Gartner is probably right to say that more are to come.

The Telus purchase of Ambergris, like IBM's purchase of Daksh eServices Pvt. Ltd. in India and numerous others, shows that the call center sector is now exclusively a game for big-boys -- it has become a "mature industry," as they say in MBA school. The days when someone could start a little call center of his own and learn the business along the way are finished.

So what's a greedy young entrepreneur to do now?

The pioneering efforts of the call center sector have proved that the concept of offshore outsourcing can succeed exceedingly well. (Actually, manufacturing proved this years ago, but let's not go into that.) In most large companies, however, answering telephone inquiries is a microscopic part of their overall business. The big opportunities in business process outsourcing are still to be realized.

This fact is shown in the diversity of the services offered by the current batch of outsourcing entrepreneurs. Here are a few examples of companies operating just in the Manila area: XMG Global IT Research and Advisory Inc. prepares high-end IT research, YellowAsp Corp. creates layout designs for printed circuit boards, Forssman Asia Pacific prepares construction design drawings, Key-In Data Solutions does claims processing, Primesoft develops advanced Web applications, VinciWorks designs online training programs, and Pulse DesignTech offers electronics design services. The list goes on and on.

The large IT services firms and the call center companies are jumping on the business process outsourcing bandwagon too. CapGemini has large facilities in three locations in China providing accounting and human resources outsourcing services. IBM's non-IT outsourcing operations are quickly becoming larger than those of IT in the Philippines.

A quick look at the Web site of IT consulting giant Accenture Ltd. reveals an astounding diversity of services. Under "Outsourcing" in the "Services Offered" section, there are Accenture Finance Solutions, Accenture HR Services, Accenture Learning, Accenture Procurement Solutions, Accenture Business Services for Utilities, Accenture eDemocracy Services, Navitaire Inc. and Accenture Insurance Services. By comparison, only two IT-related services are listed in the entire section.

Two of the world's five largest call center companies don't even call themselves call center companies anymore. ClientLogic Corp. is now an "international business process outsourcing provider." StarTek Inc. says it's a "global provider of business process outsourcing services."

It's clear that the difference between outsourcing today and outsourcing yesterday is significant. Whereas before, just a few business segments were growing rapidly (say, call centers and IT), now there are multitudes in the same situation, with countless more sure to follow. Some business leaders I have spoken to have used the phrase "tipping point" to describe the current life-cycle stage of services outsourcing. One fellow I spoke to thought the phrase "business process outsourcing" wasn't descriptive enough to express the vast diversity of the current environment. He felt a better phrase was something along the lines of "everything-anyone-can-possibly-imagine-as-being-outsourced outsourcing."

So, we shouldn't be overly concerned about missing the gold rush in offshore call center outsourcing. The business process outsourcing mother lode is just around the corner, and the opportunities are wide open. Greedy entrepreneurs everywhere should rejoice.

Richard Mills CFA is President of the World Outsourcing Providers Association (WOPA). The organization serves providers and customers of offshore outsourcing services. WOPA aims to improve the probability success of offshore outsourcing ventures by sharing best practices across organizations and countries.


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Selecting Call Center Software

The popularity of call centers has created a huge demand for call center software. Call center software are designed to manage interactions, aiding in customer and corporations communication, reducing hold time, instant routing of calls to the best agents and giving detailed call reports. Call center software usually are integrated with CRM software.

Call center software are upgraded or bought to improve customer service, enhance efficiency and reduce costs, improve reporting and management.

It is necessary that call center software improve customer satisfaction because of some excellent in-built features such as greatly lessening the call hold period by fast routing of calls. Make sure suitable call center software is selected, which improves efficiency (makes it possible to attend more number of calls with same number of staff) of the center as well as cuts operating costs significantly. The selected call center software should help manage the center better by giving details such as number of calls attended, who is your best agent who attended the most number of calls, hold times, how many callers hung up on hold etc. when the reports are studied and analyzed the management will improve significantly.

How to Select Call Center Software: It is crucial to consider several aspects before purchasing call center software. The number of requests per month has to be considered, determine their origin e.g. are they got by phone, e-mail, fax, chats etc. what is the nature of your centers calls, are the inbound or outbound, is it sale or service oriented, if it is external or internal. The number of agents and their locations do some work from home etc., compatibility with existing databases and CRM etc. have to be determined, if technical support is provided, and if the call center software suits your budget does it support VoIP. Make sure it has enough room for future development. It is better to ask the advice of both the management as well as the IT department while deciding on call center software.

Consider the time that will be taken to install and operate the software of your choice. Find out if it is easy to operate by asking your agents to test them, user friendliness, the reporting options available, the availability of automatic call distribution {ACD} that will identify callers and connect them to the right agent by using database reports. Computer telephony integration {CTI} is another feature when records of the customer are displayed on the agent?s computer screens to aid and improve customer satisfaction. Interactive voice response is another feature to look out.

CRM call center software such as Telemation, telemarketing call center phone system, CTI call center software, remote agent call centers such as PACER, etc. can be considered. Check with all vendors and choose one that is economical and that suits your budget. There are firms that offer services as well as products to help new businesses run smoothly.

Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at $24.95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.

Business Owners all across the country are joining "The Community of Small Business Owners? to receive and provide strategies, insight, tips, support and more on starting, managing, growing, and selling their businesses. As a member, you will have access to true Millionaire Business Owners who will provide strategies and tips from their real-life experiences.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Truth About Bodybuilding Myths

You might disagree, but hear me out on this; the vast majority of myths about weight gain are mostly passed down from "gym talk" and so-called experts who know nothing about the body's workings. Myths that lead to wasted time, frustration and if are taken blindly as truth, can really set back your progress in the gym. Don't believe everything you hear when it comes to exercise and weight gain, do the research yourself.

Lets take a look at some of the most common weight gain myths:

High repetitions burn fat while low repetitions build muscle.

Progressive overload is needed to make muscles bigger. Meaning that you need to perform more reps than you did for your last workout for that particular exercise.

"If you perform the same amount of reps at each workout nothing will change on you" also "if the weight doesn't changes on the bar nothing will change on you, you need to become stronger" Definition has two characteristics, muscle size and a low incidence of body fat. To reduce body fat you will have to reduce your calories; the high repetition exercise will burn some calories, but wouldn't it be better to fast walk to burn these off?

Better still; use the low reps to build muscle, which will elevate your metabolism and burn more calories (less fat).

Vegetarians can't build muscle.

Yes they can! Strength training with supplementation of soy Protein Isolate has shown to increase solid bodyweight. Studies have shown that athletic performance is not impaired by following a meat free diet, and people strength training and consuming only soy protein isolate as a protein source were able to gain lean muscle mass.

Strength Training will make you look masculine.

If it is not you're intention to bulk up from strength training you won't. Putting on muscle is a long hard slow process. Your strength-training regime coupled with quality food will determine how much you will bulk up.

To bulk up you also require more food. Women don't produce enough testosterone to allow for muscular growth as large as men.

By working out you can eat what ever you want to.

Of course you can eat whatever you want, if you don't care how you want to look. Working out does not give you an open license to consume as many calories as you want.

Although you will burn more calories if you workout than someone who doesn't, you still need to balance your energy intake with you energy expenditure.

If you take a week off you will lose most of your gains.

Taking one or two weeks off occasionally will not harm your training. By taking this time off every eight to ten weeks in between strength training cycles it has the habit of refreshing you and to heal those small niggling injuries.

By having longer layoffs you do not actually lose muscle fibres, just volume through not training; any size loss will be quickly re-gained.

By eating more protein I can build bigger muscles.

Building muscle mass involves two things, progressive overload to stimulate muscles beyond their normal levels of resistance and eating more calories than you can burn off.

With all the hype about high protein diets lately and because muscle is made largely of protein, it's easy to believe that protein is the best fuel for building muscle. However muscles work on calories that should predominately be derived from carbohydrates.

If I'm not sore after a workout, I didn't work out hard enough.

Post workout soreness is not an indication of how good the exercise or strength-training session was for you. The fitter you are at a certain activity, the less soreness you will experience after.

As soon as you change an exercise, use a heavier weight or do a few more reps you place extra stress on that body part and this will cause soreness.

Resistance training doesn't burn fat.

Nothing could not be further from the truth. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue and has a role in increasing the metabolism. The faster metabolism we have the quicker we can burn fat. Cardio exercise enables us to burn calories whilst exercising but does little else for fat loss afterwards.

Weight training enables us to burn calories whilst exercising but also helps us to burn calories whilst at rest. Weight training encourages muscle growth and the more lean muscle mass we possess, the more fat we burn though an increased and elevated metabolism.

No pain no gain.

This is one myth that hangs on and on. Pain is your body signalling that something is wrong. If you feel real pain during a workout, stop your workout and rest. To develop muscle and increase endurance you may need to have a slight level of discomfort, but that's not actual pain.

Taking steroids will make me huge.

Not true, strength training and correct nutrition will grow muscle. Taking steroids without training will not make you muscular. Most steroids allow faster muscle growth through greater recovery, while others help increase strength which allows for greater stress to be put onto a muscle.

Without food to build the muscle or training to stimulate it nothing will happen. Most of the weight gain seen with the use of some steroids is due to water retention and is not actual muscle.

Strength training won't work your heart.

Wrong! Strength training with short rest periods will increase your heartbeat well over a hundred beats per minute.

For example, performing a set of breathing squats and you can be guaranteed that your heart will be working overtime and that your entire cardiovascular system will be given a great overall body workout.

Any intensive weightlifting routine that lasts for 20 minutes or more is a great workout for your heart and the muscles involved.

I can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Wrong. Only a few gifted people with superb genetics and on steroids can increase muscle size while not putting on body fat. But for the average hard gainer, they have to increase their muscle mass to its maximum potential and then cut down their body fat percentage to achieve the desired shape.

In conclusion, simple basic principles that apply to all weight and muscle gain such as progressive overload, variable frequency of reps and high intensity workouts are the way to go.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' muscle building e-course.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' muscle building e-course.

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Find Out Why Bodybuilding Supplements May Not Be Necessary

To supplement or not to supplement - that is the question on more bodybuilder's lips than ever before. Are they safe? Have you ever wondered what works and what doesn't?

Lets have a look at the basics.

There are various reasons why athletes may be interested in supplementation.

* Concern about getting adequate nutrients from our food
* Suspicion of pharmaceuticals.
* Belief that diet alone will not achieve optimal nutrition

Supplements include the following:

* Vitamins
* Minerals
* Amino Acids
* Herbs

The concerning thing about supplements is that anything classified as a dietary supplement is not required to meet any FDA or other standards! Think about that! there are no regulations in place that guarantee the safety or purity of something sold as a supplement.

They are also not made to meet the similar safety requirements as prescription drugs or any other manufacturing standards. They are not required to meet product potency or purity ratings and are not required to prove the effectiveness of any health claim that is made.

Studies suggest that a number of supplements may deliver on advertising claims. However, trainees are spending large sums of money on products that have little or no proven usefulness.

Personally I find the use of supplements over rated and as with strength training, supplementation asks the same question

"If a little is good then maybe more has to be better"

Supplementation and steroids started to proliferate when volume strength training became the training system of the day. Young strength trainees slaving in the gym for five to six days a week was seen as normal. All this without making any progress or putting on any size whatsoever.

They then turned to the latest supplement or steroid thinking that this is the magic bullet to put on that added muscle when all the time they were just plain


The cold hard facts are that the majority of the regular trainees in your gym are overtraining. The sad reality is that the type of training that you find in bodybuilding books and magazines (and used by the stars) are irrelevant to the majority of
the population and has a high failure rate.

If more bodybuilders started using more infrequent, short, high intensity weight training sessions, followed by the required amount of time to recover and become stronger...

"Most of the Muscle building supplements and steroids available today would not be needed"

. The bottom line on weight gain supplements

* Before taking a supplement try to make modifications to your
diet that might achieve the same goals.
* Only choose products that show the amount of active
ingredients on the label that are required.
* Be aware that "natural" does not mean 'safe'
* Some herbal supplements may have unpleasant side effects.

Listed below are some popular bodybuilding supplements available on the market today:

Creatine monohydrate

Creatine was first introduced to the market place some eight years ago and has since become the most popular bodybuilding supplement of all time.

Creatine is said to significantly increase lean muscle mass, improve performance, increase energy levels and speed up recovery rates.

Creatine also stimulates the uptake of amino acids in the proteins, which means that the more that it's used the more muscle that may be grown.

Dosage: A loading phase of 20grams a day for the first five days then a maintenance phase of 5grams a day from then on.

Whey Protein isolate

The highest yield of protein currently available and is extracted from milk. This is another popular supplement for athletes and bodybuilders because of its high proportion of amino acids.

It is supposed to be high in potassium, which is essential
for muscle growth and is an antioxidant and a good immune system builder.

Dosage: 20gms - 100gms a day.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is a plant that grows in many tropical and moderate areas of the world and is very rich in chemical compounds such as saponins, flavonoids and alkaloids.
Tribulus terrestris is supposedly a testosterone enhancer and increases sex drives in both men and women.

Dosage as per bottle.


Is a non-essential amino acid, which makes up to 60% of the amino acids in the bodies muscles. Glutamine containing products are protein shakes and good quality protein powders; it can also be added to protein shakes for added potency.

Dosage: 5grams to 15 grams per day.

So there you have it, a supplement is something added to the diet to make up for a nutritional deficiency or imbalance, they are not intended to substitute for eating a balanced diet. If they are to be taken at all they should only be used to supplement the diet and not replace it.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' muscle building e-course.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

BodyBuilding Secrets

I'm filled with disbelief when asked why people do bodybuilding it's as incredulous as asking why get an education. The answer to both is to improve oneself. Perhaps people's perception of a bodybuilder applies only to those guys who compete in the national level contests or are shown on the covers of the muscle magazines. Bodybuilding isn't limited to them; it includes the recreational gym rat who just wants to look good in his Speedo's in the local pool and not be mistaken for a pencil-necked geek.

Besides the obvious health benefits, bodybuilding is the closest thing available to the Fountain of Youth. There are also benefits that can't be measured: self-confidence, self-discipline, and the esteem of others, since we are often judged initially on our looks. In short, the benefits, both tangible and intangible, far outweigh what minor incontinences there may be of going to the gym and getting hot, sweaty, and sore.

The world of bodybuilding can be a complicated one, especially for a beginner. What to eat? What type of exercise? Which routine? How many reps? How many sets? Etc. There is also conflicting information and various methods. First and foremost let's not kid ourselves. Bodybuilding is about re-sculpturing you body to any degree that you desire and is going to take a lot of determination and hard work nothing in life is easy. The rest is common sense.

A few things to remember when you do take up bodybuilding;

First and foremost, safety must take priority stay within your limits Having a six pack DOES NOT require special equipment, only the proper dietary knowledge. Know exact rep and set ranges for maximum muscle growth. Longer training sessions actually diminish results. The MOST EFFECTIVE exercises for each muscle group -- common "shaping movements" actually DETRACT FROM MUSCLE SIZE! Performing exercises in a specific order is crucial to success. Improve NATURALLY (through training and good diet) boost hormone levels naturally. High reps do NOTHING to promote definition. Manipulate sets accordingly for sustained growth. Varying grips are necessary for complete muscular development. Aerobics is an effective fat burner and helps to counteract the anaerobic lifting side. Performing a large number of exercises for a particular muscle group is a complete time waster and actually restricts growth. The proper amount of meals per day to maximize muscle growth AND fat loss is crucial. The calorie manipulation approach can help to control body fat levels. Volume based programs (large sets, many exercises, etc) are a waste of time. Each muscle group requires LESS exercise to produce MORE muscle! Water in conjunction with food produces fuller, larger muscles (70% of our body is water).

Diet is important, take in only substances which aid in improvement

Remember every exercise you do affects more than one body part, so structure your routine accordingly. Each muscle group needs time to recover and grow.

Ash Trivedi is a local kid from the neighbourhood who, after facing torment and bullying at school decided to take up bodybuilding and went on to develop a toned, muscle filled body that most guys would give their right arm for. Learn more about bodybuilding at

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Seven Biggest Bodybuilding Mistakes: Avoiding Common Obstacles to Muscle Mass

Bodybuilding is hard work. As far as athletics and sports go, it may very well be one of the hardest. I have spent time in competitive boxing, martial arts, powerlifting and yet I think I can say with confidence that bodybuilding caused me to face some of my greatest challenges. All sports present different challenges that are unique only to that specific sport. My boxing taught me that I needed to take a punch, shake a punch and more importantly do my best to avoid getting punched. Boxing also taught me how to achieve incredible endurance. My martial arts training caused me pain in parts of my body I never knew existed. I learned the importance of stretching, flexibility and mental discipline.

Bodybuilding is completely different. Some of the same factors are there. Bodybuilding requires steadfast discipline, both mentally and physically. However, true bodybuilding is much more than a sport--it's a lifestyle. From the diet, to the supplements, to the workouts that impact your daily schedule, bodybuilding requires dedication unlike anything else. Then, on top of all of that, you must look in the mirror every single day and see progress in the form of new muscle with greater degrees of definition. It can be very disheartening when the mirror doesn't represent gains that you believe you have earned and worked hard for.

That's why it grieves me to see novice bodybuilders and even worse, experienced ones, making mistakes and succumbing to obstacles that are avoidable and inhibit their progress. As we consider the following obstacles, let's remember that they can make or break a bodybuilder.

1. Stick to the basics

Here comes Johnny Newcomer. He skips squats. He skips heavy bent over rows. If you asked him to do a deadlift he would look perplexed and wonder why you asked him such a ridiculous question. He would rather use the machines, swing the light dumbbells, and toy around with the cables. Oh yes, I forgot, he loves to bench press too. None of these things are bad and they all are important, but they must not replace basic, heavy compound movements (barbell). Compound movements involve more than one muscle group (squats, deadlifts, etc) and tax the body in such a way so as to cause the most favorable metabolic and hormonal environment--provided that you do not overtrain. If you incorporate heavy movements like squats, heavy bent over rows, deadlifts, and standing military presses into your regimen, you will see and feel the difference. Give it shot and let me know. I'm sure you will come back smiling even though they may be very physically challenging.

2. Go home--enough already: Stop overtraining

You see them every day in the gym. They move from machine to machine and never seem to want to go home. Sometimes I sit in awe and I wonder, "Does he have a home to go to?" They work 20-30 sets for biceps and then still have the nerve to do some back training after all that. If you're training for more than an hour, you are overtraining. As far as I'm concerned you have reached what I call the point of no return. After forty-five minutes of intense resistance training your body's defense mechanisms engage and that in turn causes a sharp increase in cortisol (stress induced hormone). You will also have significant decreases in testosterone and human growth hormone levels. If you cut your workout time and increase your recovery time and your post workout nutrients, you will grow.

3. Exchange light & fluffy for heavy & intense

Put down the light weights and stop looking at yourself in the mirror with such lust in your eyes. If you have the wherewithal to take smoldering glances at yourself in the mirror as you smirk and blow kisses, you may not be lifting a weight that is heavy enough. Muscles will grow only if they are forced to the adaptation necessary to lift something heavier than they are use to and normally recognize. In other words, lift heavy and lift with intensity. Working out hard and working out with intensity are two different things. Intensity is what you should strive for if muscle mass is your goal. How can you lift with more intensity? Lift heavier weight. I say that because I know the word "intensity" gives some people the wrong idea. You can yell and scream in the gym, but that doesn't mean you're lifting with intensity. In order to understand the true meaning of intensity I like to equivocate intensity with overload. I know that there can be a problem with this as well. Some can lift heavy, but lack the mental intensity. But keep in mind I'm that when I use the word intensity I'm not only referring to the mental aspects, but also force, strength and velocity. Keep your rep range in the 4-6 area and do 9-12 sets per body part maximum. Heavy weight would be when you can not get more than 6 reps with that particular weight on your own using strict form. When you get to this point, add more weight until you continue to fall in this rep scheme. Drop the light & fluffy. Heavy & intense is where the muscle lives.

4. There's no happy hour here: Focus, focus, focus.

I think that some people see gyms as bars, nightclubs or social societies. I'm amazed when I see people stop in the middle of a set to engage in conversation for 15-30 minutes or more. It's unbelievable. It's one thing if you're done with your workout and you're cooling down. But that is not the case most of the time. I once witnessed a girl walk up to a friend and begin conversation. Just by the duration I assumed she must have been done with her workout. Well, you know what they say about assuming--never do it. She turned around 35 minutes later as I was leaving and she picked up on the same machine she left off at. Focus and concentration is directly related to your degree of success and muscle growth. Save the conversation for after the workout. Think about and focus on nothing else but the muscle you are training. The only thing you should do between sets is mildly stretch the muscle you're working on. And I'm not talking about the one in your mouth.

5. Now is the time: The importance of pre/post workout fuel Last week a guy in the gym approached me and asked me if he should take a protein drink after his workout. I told him if he didn't plan on having a protein/carbohydrate drink following his workout, it would have better off for him to stay home. How can anyone think that it is okay to put the body through serious stressful resistance training and then not know how crucial it is to give the body the nourishment it needs to grow and repair? You have a window of opportunity immediately following a workout which could lead to the foundation of an incredibly anabolic (building) environment or one that is catabolic (tearing down). You should always ingest a good protein source at least an hour before your workout and then a protein/carbohydrate drink immediately following your workout. Make sure the pre workout source is pre-digested. It's never a good idea to workout with anything fully undigested in your system. I would recommend 5 grams of glutamine before and after every workout. Never miss taking your glutamine.

6. The giver of life: Drink your water.

Your body can last months without food, but only days without water. Your muscles are made up of almost 70% water. Water is responsible for almost every single physiological function in your body. Lack of proper hydration can cause muscle weakness, stunt your muscular growth, cause joint pain, bring a lack of focus and concentration and inhibit your body's ability to burn fat. That is just to name a few. Drinking your water is the most important thing that you can do--period. Drink a minimum of one gallon a day.

7. Put down the pills: Eat your food

He walks into the local health food store and the salesman smiles as he sees the eager young bodybuilder with his wide-eyed hunger for muscle. The young bodybuilder then walks out with a box of supplements that he can now get home only with a truck. The biggest mistake that most bodybuilders make is wasting tons of money on pills and potions when they are not eating the proper amounts of solid foods to begin with. Supplements have their place. But supplements must never take precedence over healthy eating habits. Eating 5-6 solid muscle-building meals each day will build more muscle than any pill or powder. Make sure to have a balance of Protein/carbohydrates and fats. For muscle gains I would recommend a ratio of 25% Protein, 50% Carbs, 25% fats or depending on your metabolism another good ratio I put my clients on is 35/45/20. If maximum weight gain is your goal then add 500 calories above your maintenance & total expenditure levels.

Avoiding the common pitfalls can bring about rapid gains in muscle. Try to implement these basics if you're not currently doing so.

Tony DiCostanzo is a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer (NFPT-CPT) and the Founder of DreamBodies Body & Life Transformation System. With over 20 years of practical experience as a natural bodybuilder in the field of health & Fitness, Tony is also a coach and motivational speaker who inspires many through his lectures and seminars. His area of expertise is rooted in a multi-dimensional, body/mind approach to total body and Life transforma

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chocolate Splendor, Food For The Gods. Bodybuilding Nutrition.

A fictional overheard conversation at a Thelmas Fine Dining.

Hi, Im your waitress, Flo. How are you two doing tonight? Just come from the gym? Whew, one of you needs a shower. Heres our menu. Our specials include a 3lb cheeseburger with mega fries, a foot long chili dog that is deep-fried and covered with cheese. Or we have a this new health drink called Chocolate Splendor. What? How in the h#%l did that get in there?

An after workout drink that provides bodybuilding nutrition for first rate growth.

After putting your body through a grueling workout it demands bodybuilding nutrition. No this is not an advertisement. We found an easy, quick and reasonably priced way of fulfilling this need. We take a packet of Carnation Instant Breakfast and mix it with whey protein. The whey protein that we use is Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Protein Powder. It mixes easily and tastes good. 20 grams of sugar carbohydrates from the instant breakfast help your blood glucose return back too normal after the depletion from the workout. You can mix the two powders together in a shaker cup and add water at the gym when you are ready to drink it.

Chocolate Splendor breakdown:

· Protein 28 grams

· Carbohydrates 30 grams 20 grams sugar

· Fat 2.5 grams


Feel free to publish this article in your e-zine, your newsletter, or your web site, as long as resource box and by-line is included. All web links in Bio and by line must be working.

A courtesy copy of your publication will be appreciated. Please, email to Thank You

You can view this article with pictures at

Kevin Doberstein is a writer for www.nature-boy-bodybuilding. The site is dedicated to natural bodybuilding and preserving nature and wildlife. Water, forest, soil and wildlife conservation is paramount to Nature boy. You can contact Nature boy at

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Women Bodybuilding For Beginners

With the current craze of the Atkins diet women are finding success fitting into clothes that they couldnt fit into for a while. Without a doubt the Atkins diet works. Unfortunately the diet doesnt help muscle tone or the cardiovascular system. Now with the fat that was covering the underlying muscle melted off,. you would like to see these muscles toned up. Why not try bodybuilding? You probably have some questions why you should start bodybuilding. I listed below some of the questions I have been asked over the years. Hopefully this will answer your queries.

Question 1

If I start bodybuilding will I develop huge muscles and have to quit my job as a dental hygienist? Im not looking forward to becoming a longshoreman and working on the docks and changing my name to Butch.

No. A woman does not have the testosterone levels as a man to build huge muscles. The bodybuilding training will only tone muscles and add shape.

Question 2

Will I have to 2nd mortgage the house so I can buy supplements to support my bodybuilding endeavors?

No. Just follow a natural well-balanced eating plan.

Question 3

Can I build a larger chest with bodybuilding?

No. But you can tone the underlying muscles of your chest which will help enhance your appearance.

Question 4

Do I have to join a gym?

No. You can workout at home buying some dumbbells and simple equipment. But it is helpful to train at a bodybuilding gym. It is great to be in an atmosphere where everybody else there is working towards the same goals as you.

Question 5

Do I have to commit a lot time to bodybuilding?

No. 3 times a week 1-hour sessions are all you really need to keep toned.

Question 6

Do I have to yell really loud when lifting weights or grunt like the guys at the gym or expel deadly gases while working out?

No. Please no. I was parking my truck in the parking lot of the gym I own in Northern Wisconsin and I heard a guy yelling from inside the gym. I thought he was hurt from the ear-splitting roar. After getting inside I found him finishing a set of wrist curls.

I hope this will answer your questions if you are interested in starting bodybuilding. It is a great individual sport. And you can choose the level you want to be at. From a recreational bodybuilder to a highly competitive bodybuilder that competes at shows. Hopefully this article will be a start of a series of women bodybuilding for beginners. Please join the newsletter on the site to keep informed of new articles in the future. If you have any questions about bodybuilding please dont hesitate to e-mail me at Please be sure to check with your doctor before starting a bodybuilding program.


Feel free to publish this article in your e-zine, your newsletter, or your web site, as long as resource box and by-line is included.

A courtesy copy of your publication will be appreciated. Please, email to Thank You.

The author, Kevin Doberstein is a writer for www.nature-boy-bodybuilding. The site is dedicated to natural bodybuilding and preserving nature and wildlife. Water, forest, soil and wildlife conservation is paramount to Nature boy. You can contact Nature boy at

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bodybuilding, Weight Loss and Exercise Tips Goal Setting for Long Term Results.

 Goal setting means you have to think ahead, have some faith, and ask for help!

My name is Greg Ryan. I am a fitness expert, professional bodybuilder personal, trainer to movie stars, former employee of Kathy Smith and over 50, 000 hours of paid personal training sessions under my belt. For the last twenty years I have been able to continually make progress, stay consistent and have some fun in my quest to be in better shape.

Not because I am anything special, or know some magic formula, but because I have learned a few goal and program setting techniques that I would like to share with you. Start incorporating them into your plan today and notice the difference tomorrow.

The very first question I ask each new client that comes to me is this, How long have you been on the same workout program? With out fail most if not all say, Over six months. Then they do not understand why they are not progressing.

Rule 1:

Change your routine up every twelve weeks: Your body adapts to exercise like our bodies adapt to taking antibiotics. For some reason after a period of time it gets use to the same routine. 

Rule 2:

Rest period between twelve week segments: Take a few days off between the twelve segments refreshes you and allows your body to recuperate.

Rule 3:

Keep to ball rolling: There is a let down after you have reached your goal. When you realize that you are going to reach your goal start thinking of the next one. This keeps the momentum going, and decreases the chance of having a let down. 

Rule 4:

You need a carrot: You need some tangible reward for your efforts. Something urgent, something you just have to have. Find it and it will motivate you in the down times. 

Rule 5:

Follow an intensity curve: With in the twelve week segment ramp up your intensity levels in your workouts. Start at eighty percent and by week two you should be at 100 percent.

Rule 6:

One main goal a year: Set one big goal a year with seasonal ones leading up to the big one.

Start with these and see how your motivation goes up through out the year.

START LOSING WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY FOR GOOD TODAY! FREE MINI COURSE click here Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting  Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.


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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Keeping your bodybuilding diet and fat loss goals.

Fall of last year you figured a donut once in an awhile or some other fat and sugar laden nasty food wouldnt hurt. Your excuse it is the muscle-bulking season or you will work it off. The next thing you know your waist measurement is almost the same size of your chest. You look in the mirror and you see your v-taper look like a square block. You say to your self what the heck happen to all my hard work in the gym? Well all of your hard work is still there if you have been training hard, but it is covered in fat. My better half, my wife once asked me when I was expecting? At that moment, I knew it was time to shed the fat.

Well the first thing to do is to make a final goal. For example, the abdominal muscles showing by May. I used to put pictures of ab shots on my refrigerator to help keep me focused. Now I also keep a watchful eye in the mirror.
When I drop an inch or two off my waist I reward myself. And not with eating a whole pie or chocolate cake. Usually I buy some kind of hiking gear, camera equipment or clothing.
I generally drink two liters of water per day. You can read an article I wrote about water and bodybuilding by clicking on this link .
Make sure you keep a supply of healthy foods around you to help prevent eating some junk food when you do get hungry. Fresh fruit, nuts, non-fat cottage cheese, you get the idea.
When you start your diet dont go crazy eating little to nothing. If you follow this practice you will lose all the muscle you worked so hard to build. I cycle my carbohydrates and protein around my workout days. I eat the carbs during my bodybuilding workout days and carb deplete on non-bodybuilding workout days. I will increase the protein on the nonworkout days.
Here is a summary of the topics above:

·Use pictures to keep focused on your main goal.
·Reward yourself when you meet your in-between goals.
·Drink plenty of water.
·Always keep plenty of healthy foods around to snack on.
·Dont go crazy dieting.

Make sure that you keep on the right path and you will see your goal of abdominal muscles showing when the warm weather returns. Otherwise your spouse may do like mine and start taking measurements for maternity clothes.

Well the first thing to do is to make a final goal. For example, the abdominal muscles showing by May. I used to put pictures of ab shots on my refrigerator to help keep me focused. Now I also keep a watchful eye in the mirror.
When I drop an inch or two off my waist I reward myself. And not with eating a whole pie or chocolate cake. Usually I buy some kind of hiking gear, camera equipment or clothing.
I generally drink two liters of water per day. You can read an article I wrote about water and bodybuilding by clicking on this link .
Make sure you keep a supply of healthy foods around you to help prevent eating some junk food when you do get hungry. Fresh fruit, nuts, non-fat cottage cheese, you get the idea.
When you start your diet dont go crazy eating little to nothing. If you follow this practice you will lose all the muscle you worked so hard to build. I cycle my carbohydrates and protein around my workout days. I eat the carbs during my bodybuilding workout days and carb deplete on non-bodybuilding workout days. I will increase the protein on the nonworkout days.
Here is a summary of the topics above:

·Use pictures to keep focused on your main goal.
·Reward yourself when you meet your in-between goals.
·Drink plenty of water.
·Always keep plenty of healthy foods around to snack on.
·Dont go crazy dieting.

Make sure that you keep on the right path and you will see your goal of abdominal muscles showing when the warm weather returns. Otherwise your spouse may do like mine and start taking measurements for maternity clothes.

The author, Kevin Doberstein is a writer for www.nature-boy-bodybuilding. The site is dedicated to natural bodybuilding and preserving nature and wildlife. Water, forest, soil and wildlife conservation is paramount to Nature boy. You can contact Nature boy at

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Powerful Bodybuilding Exercises for Ultimate Muscle-Growth

 It's a fact. If you want to catapult your natural testosterone levels and march your metabolism to the next level, make sure that your weight training program, puts into action the magic trio, and that's bench presses, dead lifts & squats.

Most trainees miss out one, or two of those fundamental exercises, with unacceptable excuses, like: "Squats and dead lifts are designated for the
hard core bodybuilders", or "Deadlifts can be detrimental to your skeletal bones".
If you want to reach your optimum genetic capacity, you just can't ignore the "magic trio".
Those are crucial compound movements which recruit the most of your muscular tissues, and as a consecutive effect, trigger muscle optimum growth.
One of your most important hormones, the "testosterone", is excreted successfully each time you perform squats, dead lifts and bench presses, more than any other exercise!
Your system is literally forced to produce even more testosterone,
to correspond to demanding movements that the magic trio imposes.

The benefits of basic/compound exercises are unsurpassed:

-> Your body excretes more testosterone & growth hormones, thus greater muscularity

-> Your metabolism eventually speeds up by transforming your system to a potential "fat burner" and "muscle-builder"

-> Your strength levels are increased dramatically

-> Your system improves its' oxygenation capacity

To reap all the advantages of a dynamic weight training session, keep sets no more than 3-6 per muscle group, while resting 2-4 minutes between sets.

The trick to knowing when you're prepared for the next set,
is to wait until your heart-beat restores its' normal pace.

Ideally, the normal heart-beat is when you are walking in a steady pace, like when going out for a typical walk.

In conclusion, compound exercises like Bench-Press, Squats and Deadlifts, are a "must" for triumphant achievements
in sheer power and ultimate muscle-mass.

Want to take a brief and proven test, to measure your level of success with bodybuilding? Here's a quiz,at:

Most trainees miss out one, or two of those fundamental exercises, with unacceptable excuses, like: "Squats and dead lifts are designated for the
hard core bodybuilders", or "Deadlifts can be detrimental to your skeletal bones".

If you want to reach your optimum genetic capacity, you just can't ignore the "magic trio".

Those are crucial compound movements which recruit the most of your muscular tissues, and as a consecutive effect, trigger muscle optimum growth.

One of your most important hormones, the "testosterone", is excreted successfully each time you perform squats, dead lifts and bench presses, more than any other exercise!

Your system is literally forced to produce even more testosterone,
to correspond to demanding movements that the magic trio imposes.

The benefits of basic/compound exercises are unsurpassed:

-> Your body excretes more testosterone & growth hormones, thus greater muscularity

-> Your metabolism eventually speeds up by transforming your system to a potential "fat burner" and "muscle-builder"

-> Your strength levels are increased dramatically

-> Your system improves its' oxygenation capacity

To reap all the advantages of a dynamic weight training session, keep sets no more than 3-6 per muscle group, while resting 2-4 minutes between sets.

The trick to knowing when you're prepared for the next set,
is to wait until your heart-beat restores its' normal pace.

Ideally, the normal heart-beat is when you are walking in a steady pace, like when going out for a typical walk.

In conclusion, compound exercises like Bench-Press, Squats and Deadlifts, are a "must" for triumphant achievements
in sheer power and ultimate muscle-mass.

Want to take a brief and proven test, to measure your level of success with bodybuilding? Here's a quiz,at:

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Women bodybuilding for beginners.

Feel free to publish this article in your e-zine, your
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Women bodybuilding for beginners.

With the current craze of the Atkins diet women are finding success fitting into clothes that they couldnt fit into for a while. Without a doubt the Atkins diet works. Unfortunately the diet doesnt help muscle tone or the cardiovascular system. Now with the fat that was covering the underlying muscle melted off,. you would like to see these muscles toned up. Why not try bodybuilding? You probably have some questions why you should start bodybuilding. I listed below some of the questions I have been asked over the years. Hopefully this will answer your queries.

Question 1
If I start bodybuilding will I develop huge muscles and have to quit my job as a dental hygienist? Im not looking forward to becoming a longshoreman and working on the docks and changing my name to Butch.

No. A woman does not have the testosterone levels as a man to build huge muscles. The bodybuilding training will only tone muscles and add shape.

Question 2
Will I have to 2nd mortgage the house so I can buy supplements to support my bodybuilding endeavors?

No. Just follow a natural well-balanced eating plan.

Question 3
Can I build a larger chest with bodybuilding?

No. But you can tone the underlying muscles of your chest which will help enhance your appearance.

Question 4
Do I have to join a gym?

No. You can workout at home buying some dumbbells and simple equipment. But it is helpful to train at a bodybuilding gym. It is great to be in an atmosphere where everybody else there is working towards the same goals as you.

Question 5
Do I have to commit a lot time to bodybuilding?

No. 3 times a week 1-hour sessions are all you really need to keep toned.

Question 6
Do I have to yell really loud when lifting weights or grunt like the guys at the gym or expel deadly gases while working out?

No. Please no. I was parking my truck in the parking lot of the gym I own in Northern Wisconsin and I heard a guy yelling from inside the gym. I thought he was hurt from the ear-splitting roar. After getting inside I found him finishing a set of wrist curls.
I hope this will answer your questions if you are interested in starting bodybuilding. It is a great individual sport. And you can choose the level you want to be at. From a recreational bodybuilder to a highly competitive bodybuilder that competes at shows. Hopefully this article will be a start of a series of women bodybuilding for beginners. Please join the newsletter on the site to keep informed of new articles in the future. If you have any questions about bodybuilding please dont hesitate to e-mail me at Please be sure to check with your doctor before starting a bodybuilding program.
newsletter, or your web site, as long as resource box
and by-line is included.

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Women bodybuilding for beginners.

With the current craze of the Atkins diet women are finding success fitting into clothes that they couldnt fit into for a while. Without a doubt the Atkins diet works. Unfortunately the diet doesnt help muscle tone or the cardiovascular system. Now with the fat that was covering the underlying muscle melted off,. you would like to see these muscles toned up. Why not try bodybuilding? You probably have some questions why you should start bodybuilding. I listed below some of the questions I have been asked over the years. Hopefully this will answer your queries.

Question 1
If I start bodybuilding will I develop huge muscles and have to quit my job as a dental hygienist? Im not looking forward to becoming a longshoreman and working on the docks and changing my name to Butch.

No. A woman does not have the testosterone levels as a man to build huge muscles. The bodybuilding training will only tone muscles and add shape.

Question 2
Will I have to 2nd mortgage the house so I can buy supplements to support my bodybuilding endeavors?

No. Just follow a natural well-balanced eating plan.

Question 3
Can I build a larger chest with bodybuilding?

No. But you can tone the underlying muscles of your chest which will help enhance your appearance.

Question 4
Do I have to join a gym?

No. You can workout at home buying some dumbbells and simple equipment. But it is helpful to train at a bodybuilding gym. It is great to be in an atmosphere where everybody else there is working towards the same goals as you.

Question 5
Do I have to commit a lot time to bodybuilding?

No. 3 times a week 1-hour sessions are all you really need to keep toned.

Question 6
Do I have to yell really loud when lifting weights or grunt like the guys at the gym or expel deadly gases while working out?

No. Please no. I was parking my truck in the parking lot of the gym I own in Northern Wisconsin and I heard a guy yelling from inside the gym. I thought he was hurt from the ear-splitting roar. After getting inside I found him finishing a set of wrist curls.
I hope this will answer your questions if you are interested in starting bodybuilding. It is a great individual sport. And you can choose the level you want to be at. From a recreational bodybuilder to a highly competitive bodybuilder that competes at shows. Hopefully this article will be a start of a series of women bodybuilding for beginners. Please join the newsletter on the site to keep informed of new articles in the future. If you have any questions about bodybuilding please dont hesitate to e-mail me at Please be sure to check with your doctor before starting a bodybuilding program.

The author, Kevin Doberstein is a writer for www.nature-boy-bodybuilding. The site is dedicated to natural bodybuilding and preserving nature and wildlife. Water, forest, soil and wildlife conservation is paramount to Nature boy. You can contact Nature boy at

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Women bodybuilding, determining your body type.

An article describing how to determine your body type. Female bodybuilding.

One time, a successful bodybuilder once told me that bodybuilding is 80% knowledgeable training and 80% nutrition. It is quite obvious this strong-armed man did not have strength in math, but never the less he was successful in pursuing a bodybuilding lifestyle. Wait a minute that was me who said that. Oh boy.

To determine what kind of nutrition and training you should follow, you must first determine what type of body style you have. It is not imperative to do this but it does help you achieve your desired effect. The three types of body styles are Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.

Ectomorph: This type of person has a hard time putting on weight. That includes fat or muscle. Typically a thin, wiry type of build. In the bodybuilding circle this is a hardgainer. This person can eat anything all the time and will not gain an ounce. Usually a tad bit high strung. Just like someone hooked them up intravenously with double strength espresso. At the office, they can eat a bag of chips and wash it down with a soda and then go to break eating even more. For a bodybuilding diet this person can eat all the bread, rice and potatoes they want. Ectomorph must do enough cardio work to keep the heart healthy.

Mesomorph: This type of person can generally put on muscle very easily. They have more of an athletic build. Broad shoulders, wide back and thick thigh muscles are some of the characteristics of this type. This person does have to watch what they eat or they will be adding fat on their body. This person might have an aggressive type of behavior. Do first, ask later mentality. For the bodybuilding diet, eat enough calories to maintain and build muscle, but keep it a very clean and healthy diet or you will put on the fat. Do enough cardio work to keep the fat off. But dont overdo it or you will waste away your hard-earned muscle.

Endomorph: The only thing this type of person has to do is look at food and they gain weight. And not the right kind of weight. Some possible characteristics are narrow shoulders or a pear shaped body. Watching their diet is a big problem for this person. This person might have to monitor their health more closely for heart disease later in life. This person must strive to keep an active lifestyle to burn the calories. The bodybuilding diet, eat low calorie foods such as vegetables and fruits. Preferably in whole and natural form. Protein should come from very lean sources.

You can be a combination of two or even all three-body types. You can be a bodybuilder no matter what type of body you have. Its just that some will have an easier time than others will. After deciding on the type of body you have you can adjust your workout accordingly.

The author, Kevin Doberstein is a writer for The site is dedicated to natural bodybuilding and preserving nature and wildlife. Water, forest, soil and wildlife conservation is paramount to Nature boy. You can contact Nature boy at

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