Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bodybuilding Supplements - For Worked Out Muscle Cells Crying Out "Feed Me, Feed Me!"

You may be doing hours of exercise but if you want to increase your results you need to look to bodybuilding supplements. The fact is, that unless you ensure that you eat six optimally balanced meals each day, you're not going to be getting those hoped-for muscles as quickly as you could if you were using bodybuilding supplements. Yes, I know it's confusing with the enormous array of choices, and supplements are always expensive but if you choose well, you can have incredible results which make them well worth the money.

Bodybuilding supplements can give your body the perfect dietetic balance that will promote the speedy acquisition of those desired-for muscles. There are many varieties of bodybuilding supplements so you will need to research to find the one that is best suited to your goals. Be careful while using bodybuilding supplements, as their improper use is harmful.

If you're looking for meal replacement powders try to find one that has everything you need to effectively supplement your bodybuilding project. This will save you buying multiple ones and although it may work out as a little more expensive, it is easier than buying several different supplements individually.

Price minded bodybuilders should consider buying bodybuilding supplements in bulk saving them a lot of money in the long run and doing the environment some good by saving on packaging.

If you are already using for a meal replacement shake than all you need in addition is a high quality multivitamin, once a day. However, additional Vitamin C could also be added as you cannot get too much of vitamin-C. The body just passes unused amounts. How much is a good amount for a bodybuilder? About 3000 milligrams per day evenly spaced out. If your multivitamin has 1000 milligrams of vitamin-C, just add another 1000mgs at lunch and dinner.

Fast absorbing protein bodybuilding supplements add to the results of each exercise as large muscles need protein for rebuilding and strengthening. Whey is one of the best sources as it is the fastest and completely absorbs.

Following the manufacturer's instructions for taking body supplements can prevent from you doing harm. The amounts give in the usage instructions are there because the process of muscle increase requires a specific amount for nutritional balance.


There are an enormous amount of bodybuilding supplements to choose from but once you're sure of what you need to supplement your diet and exercise, the results will convince you that they are money well spent.

Brooke Hayles
Check Out More Helpful Information About Bodybuilding Supplements For FREE!
Visit {} Bodybuilding Supplements Vault now!

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Becoming #1: Beginning Competitive Bodybuilding

If you are going to put a lot of time, effort, and money into training, you might wish to show off the end results in a bodybuilding fitness competition. These contests are held throughout the country and world and showcase some of the most physically fit bodies known to humankind. There are many levels of competition, so don't worry if you aren't Mr. Universe just yet-you can find a competition that is right for you. Any sort of contest does, however, require a dedication to training, including a healthy diet and lots of exercise.

The first thing you should do when you decide to begin competitive bodybuilding is to find a coach. It will be much easier to break into the competition world if you have someone with a little experience under his or her belt guiding you. With your coach, decide on a training schedule and diet, and choose whether or not you want to take supplements. Natural training is, of course, always best, but you may wish to take vitamins or other supplements to make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs even if you cut some foods out of your diet.

Next, research some of the events held near you. Local events are a good place to start if you live in a big city. If not, you may have to travel some distance to find events, so plan accordingly. Some competitions have an entry fee, and all have different rules of conduct. In most cases, you will have an orientation session the day or morning before the event, but you need to be well prepared before this to avoid looking like a novice in front of the judges. Before the competition, you should not only train, but also learn to flex while you pose and still look relaxed. You may also want to tan, remove hair, and take other measures to help your body look as lean and sculpted as possible. Your coach, if he or she has participated in competitive bodybuilding, should be able to give you advice in these areas.

After the competition, evaluate your performance, good or bad. Nobody is perfect, but by learning from past mistakes, you can do better at future competitions. Keep your eyes peeled in the staging area-what are other competitors doing to help their performance? As soon as the winners are announced and the applause has died, head to the judges' table. They are the experts and can give you a quick verbal assessment of your body and give you advice for your next competition. Be humble and listen to everything they have to say, both positive and negative. In no time, it will be you in the winner's circle, and you can give advice to the new competitive bodybuilders in your area.

Tom Ambrozewicz is one of the pioneers in using breakthrough audio technology on his web sites. You can read, you can listen to professional narrator reading to you or having MP3 files download and train in gym while you listen. You can check all bodybuilding tips at now

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How To Dominate A Frustrating Bodybuilding Plateau

One of the most frustrating things a bodybuilder can encounter is hitting the wall at a plateau. A plateau refers to a point where you seem to stop growing, and your strength seems to stop increasing. It seems that you can train as hard as you like and your body doesn't seem to react like it used to, your muscles aren't breaking down after workout and you are recovering before your even hurt. Here we will explore this mysterious 'plateau' and look at some ways to overcome the inevitable condition.

A plateau is usually caused by the body becoming too accustomed to the kind of work it is being asked to do. As you should know, the reason muscles grow and expand is because they are forced to perform tasks that are outside their capability and so a message is sent that they need to be larger and stronger to cope with being asked to perform such workloads.

You will usually find a plateau to occur when:

1. Your training program has remained the same for too long. This includes the same exercises, the same number of sets and reps, and the same rest periods. The body becomes accustomed to being challenged in exactly the same way and despite your efforts, requires no extra growth to handle that challenge.

2. Your eating has remained the same. Just like your training, you will notice you can reach a point in your diet where your body becomes accustomed to taking in a larger amount of food. Even though you still eat alot, you won't continue to grow unless you are challenging your body by taking in more and raising the bar again.

So how can you beat the notorious plateau? Let's take a look.

The obvious answer is that beating plateaus comes down to changing things up. Changing the way you eat and changing the way you train. Here are some ideas:

Do your whole workout backwards. Whatever you normally do at the gym do it in reverse. If you used to train back and biceps together starting with back first, hit your bi's first and see how different it is. If you used to train concentration curls then preacher curls, reverse the order. Change the number of reps, throw on an extra two or decrease by two and go for full power. Anything to shock your muscles into growing again.

Eat EVERYTHING Depending on what your goals are alter your diet to shock your digestive system too. Maybe try to take in the same amount of calories from different foods or just go for a super overhaul and add an extra few thousand calories per day. There is no doubt your body will respond.

Supplements There are certain supplement, mainly very new in nature that can actually assist an athlete to break physical barriers in the last few reps of your workouts, taking the body to places it has never been and in the process smashing through plateus very effectively. An example of one such supplement is the new Gakic, which works to remove fatigue toxins from the bloodstream during high intensity exercise and allows the trainer to push past the point of usual failure.

Whichever method you use, remember the idea is to instigate CHANGE. The moment you notice your growth stop, change things up. It's one of the big secrets to supercharged and continual growth.

Gary Stephens is a writer on Bodybuilding Supplements and runs an informational website on the new Muscletech Supplement gakic.

For more information please see

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bodybuilding Posing You've Got It Now Flaunting It!

Bodybuilding posing is usually one of the most ignored aspects of contest preparation. Competitors are so focused on their dieting and training that many don't take the time to prepare an exciting posing routine. Some bodybuilders leave it until the last week to try and put something together. There are even a few brave souls who step on stage and try to "wing it." It's easy to spot the bodybuilders who don't do their homework; they can't even perform the mandatory poses properly.

If you hope to win or even place well in a show, you must give your contest preparation the same diligence and dedication as training and dieting. You may be the biggest and most ripped guy on stage, but if you flounder around looking unprepared, your chances of winning, or even placing, will be greatly reduced.

The best bodybuilders select music that reflects their personality. It's also much easier to perform a great routine if you like the song you are posing to. In a manner of speaking, your physique is your product, and you're using the posing routine to 'sell' yourself to the judges. The judges award points in three areas: how well you hit the individual poses, how well your routine flows with your physique; and how well your routine flows with the music you have selected. If you have a rugged, muscular physique, music that is powerful and upbeat will be your best bet. On the other hand if your physique is more symmetrical than massive, slower pop music or classical music, will probably work better for your bodybuilding posing.

Here are a few tips for music selection and preparation:

Choose a song that you like (you'll be listening to it over and over)

Select a song that matches your athletic abilities (i.e. flexibility)

Pick a song that matches your personality.

Choose a song that suits your physique

Whenever you're listening to music on the radio, visualize posing to each song.

Always make at least two, preferably three copies of your music.

Contact the contest organizer to see if they want your music on CD or cassette.

If you have a gift for posing, put together two routines; one for the pre-judging and one for the evening show.

Posing: The Routine

Your first step in contest preparation is to take a series of photos showing all the mandatory poses as well as the other classic poses. Divide the photos into great, good, and poor. Unless your physique is really not ready for competition, disregard the poor photos. If you hold each pose for an average of 3 to 5 seconds, you'll only have enough time for 18 to 30 poses. And don't forget that it each pose will be separated by a couple of seconds of transition time. This means that you'll only have enough time to hit 18 to 20 poses in your routine. Your goal is to start and finish your bodybuilding posing routine with one or two of your best shots. Also don't forget that while not necessary, you should include some, if not all, of the compulsory poses in your posing routine. The judges will quickly spot bodybuilders who avoid hitting the mandatory poses. They'll assume that you're trying to hide something.

Once you have your best poses picked out, your next step is to set the poses to your music selection. Time it so that you are moving between poses as the music is rising and hitting the poses as the music peaks. Many bodybuilders hire dance choreographers to help them prepare their posing routines. One of the early scenes in the classic documentary, Pumping Iron, shows Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu practicing their posing routines under the watchful eye of a dance instructor. While most bodybuilders have no problem holding each individual pose, what distinguishes great posers from good posers, are their transition skills; how well they move between each pose. The best make it look like poetry in motion.

If you don't have access to a dance instructor, check with one of your gym's aerobic instructors. Most aerobics' instructors, especially those who incorporate martial arts into their classes, know how to set coordinate static and transition movements with music.

Once you have your bodybuilding posing routine put together, it's time to start preparing for each of the four Rounds in the contest. As each round is distinct you must know how to conduct yourself during each one. You don't have to win every Round to place first, but you must place at or near the top in most of them.

Bob Howard expert on bodybuilding and steroids. Are you looking for more of his bodybuilding-posing articles?  Article ? Bob Howard 5/5/2006

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cardiovascular Training during your bodybuilding workouts - fat loss that's good for the heart!

Bodybuilder or not, no one who's playing with a full deck wants to be carrying excess body fat. While weight training and dieting play major roles, to maximize fat loss you should also be doing some sort of cardiovascular training (more affectionately known as cardio) to compliment your bodybuilding workouts.

Cardio, can be defined as any continuous exercise that increases the heart rate to what exercise physiologists call the target heart range. You can calculate your target heart range by using a formula that takes into account your age, resting heart rate, and approximate fitness level. It is important to note that the general guidelines for calculating your target heart rate are only a guide. Many other factors such as family genetics, medical conditions, and even common medications, also play a role in determining the best level to workout.

Cardiovascular training can take many forms. You can walk, bike, run, swim, cross country ski, or attend aerobic classes. Another way to effectively vary your cardio training is by cross-training. Cross-training involves alternating various different types of exercises in one exercise session. No matter what you do, the primary objective is to raise your heart rate to your target heart rate zone, keep it there for 25 to 30 minutes, and to do this for at least three times per week. Make sure that if you are doing an activity like swimming or running, that your skill level is sufficient enough to allow you to maintain your heart in the target heart rate zone. Start/stop activities, such as tennis, hockey, bodybuilding workouts, and basketball, are great workouts, but do not provide continuous time in the target heart range. Therefore they have limited cardiovascular and fat loss benefits.

Calculating your Target Heart Range

Exercise provides the most benefits when the heart has been challenged, but not overstressed. The best way to do this is to bring your heart up to a range that is between 60% and 85% of its maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate refers to the approximate level after which there is the potential for danger to the individual because the heart is being overworked. Maintaining this exercise level is both difficult and dangerous and will cause fatigue within minutes. Below this and within the target range, the heart is strengthened and made healthier. The target heart range can be calculated as follows: 1. Subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate.

2. Multiply your maximum heart rate first by .60 (60%) and then by .85 (85%). This will give you your target heart range.

if you are 30 years of age, the calculations would look like this. 220 - 30 = 190, then 190 x .60 = 114 and 190 x .85 = 162

For practical purposes, the average of these two numbers is a good value to strive for. In the previous example the average is 138 beats per minute.

Now you calculate your own target heart range: 220 - _________ = _________ x .60 = _________ _________ x .85 = _________ This is your Target Heart Range.

How much and how often?

In order to gain the fat loss benefits of cardiovascular training, you should do sustained activity of the large muscle groups for a minimum of twenty to thirty minutes at least three times per week. Four to five is optimum but three times is adequate to improve your cardiovascular health.

When Should I do my Cardio?

You have four options when it comes to doing your cardio workout. The simplest options are to do your cardiovascular training immediately before or after your bodybuilding workouts. Most people choose one of these options, as it means only one trip to the gym. While some people claim that you should do your cardio before your strength training, we don't think this is necessary. You will receive the same cardiovascular benefits by finishing off your workout with cardio (just make sure you do a light warm-up before your strength training).

The third and fourth options are to separate your cardio and weight training workouts, either on the same day or opposite days. The advantage to this is that you will only be performing one form of exercise when you come to the gym. You will not have to worry about running out of energy during either your cardio or strength training workout. The disadvantage to this type of training is that you will need more time, as you'll have to factor in the commute to and from the gym. Still, for those who have the extra time and prefer shorter workouts, splitting your training is a great option.

Bob Howard expert on bodybuilding and steroids. Are you looking for more of his bodybuilding articles? bdkosh?Article ? Bob Howard 5/5/2006

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Diet For Natural Bodybuilding - Powerful Tips You Can Use Everyday

We are going to examine the most common challenge bodybuilders face which is nutrition.

Unfortunately there is so much confusion about what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat and on and on that it is almost impossible to sort out what to do. Also eating to grow is very different the eating to get shredded so the key point to remember is that your diet needs to evolve with your physique.

Consistency and self-discipline on your eating is two biggest keys to long term success on whatever eating program that you are following. Bodybuilders who are successful always plan ahead and have meals prepared well in advance. If you don't plan out your meals and have them with you at all times you will invariably fail in giving yourself the best possible gains. Hoping that restaurants, or friends or relatives will be serving "bodybuilding food" is unrealistic and leads to frustration as well as no progress. Don't be one of those people who do not prepare their meals in advance.

Here are a few simple rules to remember:

1. Always carry 1-2 meals with you more than you think you will need. This way any delays in your schedule will not throw your eating off.

2. Always eat before you go shopping, to the movies, or to other social occasions where non-nutritious food will be served this way you will reduce any cravings for junk.

3. Prepare food in bulk and use Tupperware containers so that you can grab quick meals at any time. Also you will find it takes very little extra time to prepare 10 meals as it does one meal. This savings in time will actually make your life way more efficient and your eating plan easy to stick too.

4. Get off all artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners cause cravings for sugar, mess up your metabolism and brain function, and may have negative effects on your overall health. Cut them out of your diet immediately and switch to Stevia, or Raw Honey for sweetening. No Diet Sodas.

5. Drink plenty of water each day. Most often dehydration is misinterpreted as hunger. Slug back a liter of water 30 minutes before eating or when you feel hungry and you will see how it curbs appetite significantly.

6. Place nutritious snacks in you car, your office desk at your house basically everywhere that you spend a considerable amount of time. You will quickly develop the habit of eating healthy and junk foods will quickly lose their appeal.

7. Schedule a regular junk food meal once per week. This is a powerful lesson that starts building the will to understand delayed gratification. Every time you have a craving for junk food simply right it down and schedule to eat it on a set day. By the end of the week you can review the list and go eat those foods guilt free. Often times by the junk food day you won't want the food or it won't taste as good as you anticipated. Over time you will develop more control over your cravings and reduce negative guilt associations with food.

This list isn't the be all and end all of eating but it gives you a start to work with.

Keep in mind that your eating program should evolve over time. Your body will naturally adjust from desiring different types of foods depending on a variety of factors such as season, nutrient levels, PH balance of the body, training demands, and conditioning levels to name a few.

Recording how food affects you as biofeedback is critical in understanding the powerful effects of food on your mood and your performance. Review your eating journal regularly so that you become aware of your patterns of eating as well developing awareness of how each food affects your body.

You must master eating and training first before supplements can be effective. So many people try the other way around and wind up frustrated. No supplement can make up for a poor diet or poor training so vow to master these two facets first before wasting money on supplements. Once you master your diet than the right supplement at the right time can do wonders to improve performance but seldom does the supplement deliver when the diet is poor.

Check out for more great information on building muscle and getting fit.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

The Benefits of Bodybuilding Supplements Containing Colostrum

The use of colostrum as a bodybuilding supplement is currently an area of active research. Many studies aimed at addressing the overall benefits of colostrum for athletes have indicated promising links between supplemental colostrum and increased athletic performance, including improved digestion, increased absorption of nutrients, and heightened immune systems that are less compromised through increased physical activity.

More recent studies focused on the role of individual colostrum components in promoting overall athletic achievement suggest benefits particularly relevant to bodybuilding, including decreased body fat, increased energy, and increased muscle mass.

Colostrum is a very concentrated type of breast milk secreted only during the first few days of an infant's life, before true lactation begins. During this time, the digestive and immune systems of newborns are changing very rapidly, and colostrum plays a crucial role in their continued development.

The form of colostrum widely available for use as a bodybuilding supplement is bovine colostrum, which is nearly identical to human colostrum in many respects. The most important components addressed by manufacturers of bovine colostrum bodybuilding supplements are growth factors immunoglobins, lactoferrin, cytokines, and vitamins. The results of several studies now suggest that IGF-1 and IGF-2, two important growth factors present in colostrum bodybuilding supplements, may help in increasing lean muscle tissue and stimulating overall muscle growth.

Although the mechanisms for these effects are not yet fully understood, it has been hypothesized that the unique combination of proteins and IGF-1 present in colostrum bodybuilding supplements serves to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. In addition, the IGF-1 may exhibit metabolic effects that increase overall muscular endurance through an increase in free fatty acid levels in the blood.

Bodybuilding supplements containing colostrum have also been linked to reduced blood levels of creatine kinase, an enzyme released by muscle cells when they are damaged. Since serum creatine kinase levels are often used as an indicator of muscular damage incurred through excessive exercise and bodybuilding, their reduction in these studies seems to indicate that colostrum bodybuilding supplements also serve to decrease the severity of muscle trauma usually associated with these activities.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Various Categories Of Bodybuilding Supplements

The new millenium has seen a dramatic increase in the usage of supplementation by bodybuilders and those wishing to gain weight, helping them to attain the desired physical effects in a more drastic way and at a faster rate. It has almost come to the point now where there are so many different kinds of supplements available that a gym junkies choice lies not in whether to use supplements but which supplements to use and which ones are really required for their own personal needs.

Basically there are a few categories of bodybuilding supplements. Each of these play a certain role in the process of breaking down then building up those muscle tissues for the attainment of that perfect physique. The main categories are as follows:

Weight gaining supplements

Weight gainers are usually comprised of protein and carbs to help you stack on quick mass, both muscle and fat. The more advanced kinds come with amino acids that perform certain functions too but for the most part these supplements are simple powders containing the ingredients we know we need. I mean let's face it, if you aren't taking in huge amounts of protein generally in the form of a protein shake you probably shouldn't be at the gym. For this reason this category of supplements unlike the others are essential assuming you are looking only to lose fat. You have to use a protein based weight gaining supplement unless you are eating like a swedish mountain goat.

Creatine based supplements

Creatine now is on the border of reaching a level of acceptance where it can be said that if you are training for strength and size, you NEED to be taking it. Numerous studies have now proven the benefits to both lean muscle mass and during workout energy levels through creatine supplementation. As a result creatine has become its own market of supplements as it is able to be purchased with your protein and carb formulas, combined with various amino acid chains to enhance effectiveness, in liquid, caplet or powdered form. While not necessary it is becoming a staple of more serious athletes.

Fat burners

The name is basically self explanatory here. These supplements are used by bodybuilders through the cutting down phase to reduce body fat levels while attempting to maintain an optimum level of muscle. These supplements are generally targetted to more hardcore bodybuilders and athletes as let's face it, there are more skinny people wanting to be big than big muscly guys who want to lose some fat and get ripped. These supplements again are not essential but come available in diverse natures with varying benefits.

Supplements X

I call them supplements X because I really have no way to describe what this last category of supplements do. They are very new to the market because they have been being developed over the last 8, years as documentation suggests. Basically they are supplements different from all above as they actually act on biochemical processes within the body to cause muscle gaining, recovery enhancing, fatigue reducing, workout power boosting effect at rapid speeds that are seemingly unavailable through every day supplements. They are generally more expensive and taken only in tablet form but some examples of which being Muscletech's Gakic or Leukic. These are not steroids although are shown to be anabolic compounds and hence very powerful.

Do your research and learn what supplements are correct for your needs but no matter what make sure you take action. With new technological advancements constantly occuring the increases in performance through supplementation is an advantage you can't afford to miss out on.

Gary Stephens is a writer on Bodybuilding Supplements and runs an informational website on the new Muscletech Supplement Leukic.

For more information please see

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Your Bodybuilding Exercise Basics

Do you want to have defined and toned muscles? In order to get the best shape you desire, you have to know and keep a few bodybuilding exercises basics in mind.

Setting up your main goal is the first logical step for you as a bodybuilding beginner. You should be really decided if you want to be a real bodybuilder. Nonetheless there are many benefits you get when you undergo bodybuilding exercise trainings.

In bodybuilding, you may want to look good having a perfect body. Or you may want to physically fit and stay healthy. Just make sure that you do this for yourself and not for anyone else.

Nowadays, a high percentage of bodybuilding exercise programs are in demand because of the many participants that want to get better and look good. You may set specific goals up to what extent you want your body to progress and improve.

For beginners, here are some basic bodybuilding exercise tips to start up your bodybuilding program. Some of these methods are really basic but can help you a lot.

1. You have to first know the basic methods that you will need in bodybuilding exercise. You can start up by increasing the weight and resistance slowly using weight workout machines. It is also advisable that you perform repetitions using more sets of equipments.

2. Move the resistance slower and lessen your rest in between sets and exercises. In this way you can slowly improve on building muscles and progress on your resistance training.

3. For the more advance method, you can perform an isolation bodybuilding exercise and continue with a compound repetitive movement.

4. Perform static holds to increase resistance with the hardest position of the range of your exercise motion. You can do a top position while exercising your leg extension muscles.

5. You may exercise partial rep in weak range position. You may perform a portion of the rep exercise where you are weakest.

6. Perform strip-set. Do this after you are through with your warm up exercises. You may perform three sets of back to back exercises with no rest while starting with the heaviest weight available.

7. Perform the full rep then followed by a half rep with the normal range of movements. You may return to your starting position to start of the next rep on a lat pull down position. Pull the second rep way below and resist weight back up on a half way position then pulling it again back down.

8. If you're main goal is to tighten and tone your muscles, focus heavily on increasing reps. it is also efficient for your muscle toning if you lessen your rest and change the style of your exercise frequently.

As a final advice, the methods and steps mentioned are general and basics only. You may adapt and adjust to a different bodybuilding exercise for your personal goals and experience.

For those who are in an advance bodybuilding exercise, you may challenge yourself to try a different method in 3 to 4 weeks or you may just stay with the basics.

There can nothing be more fulfilling than having a great body. Make sure that you live a healthy lifestyle to maintain that physically fit body. Start a bodybuilding exercise now!

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Fitness and Health. For more information regarding Body Building Exercise please drop by at

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bodybuilding Diets For Bigger Muscles

Are you working out and would like to have a change in your physique? Then start with a bodybuilding diet.

It is one commonly overlooked aspect when you are on a bodybuilding program. For sure, working out intensely will be a key factor for the transformation of your overall body physique.

However, the true challenge here is the diet program that you will undertake to gain a lean muscle mass, keep the energy level and get rid off the excess weight in your body.

A bodybuilding diet program is a simple program of knowing what types of food to take. You should also know how to incorporate them by choosing from simple charts of food choices for the different kinds of nutrients your body needs.

It is also better for you to indulge in some changes on your eating routines. However, a lifestyle change of healthy eating will ensure of a better physique and a body free from any kinds of diseases.

Here are some bodybuilding diet tips that will help you get started and that will assure you of the success that you want.

1. Eat energy nutrient foods with carbohydrates. A carbohydrate is essential for the development of muscles having glycogen. It also helps your body to optimize its athletic performance.

You should choose food groups rich in carbohydrates from minimally processed sources like eating true wheat bread over a white bread or even those enriched bread. Carbohydrate should make up 50 to 60 percent of your total calorie intake depending on your workout training level.

Some examples of carbohydrate rich food that are recommended for a bodybuilding diet are wild rice, squash, oatmeal, baked potato, pumpkin, whole wheat bread, brown rice, or a sweet potato.

2. It has been said that protein is an important nutrient for any kind of diet. Protein serves the dietary needs of a bodybuilder or an athlete.

Aside from water, protein is the next most abundant nutrient found in your body. It is present on your muscles, skin, bone, and to the blood. Protein is most effective in building muscle mass especially if you are on strength training.

Protein should make up 15 to 20 percent of your total calorie intake. Some examples of food rich in protein that you should take when you are in strength training are turkey, salmon, lean ground beef, low fat cottage cheese, egg whites, chicken breast, or top round sirloin steak.

3. Drinking plenty of water when you are working out is very essential for a bodybuilding diet. Water is necessary to sustain the performance level of your work outs.

For those who are in strength training or intense work outs, you should at least drink 8oz glass of water for every 15 to 25 minutes of intense exercises.

4. It is advisable that you eat in smaller meals more frequently throughout your day.

This is important to have a balance distribution of nutrients for your body metabolism. You will also able to burn calories at a more efficient and balance rate.

Make sure to consult a physician first before you engage yourself on a bodybuilding diet program.

You should also make sure to have nutritionally quality rich food in your diet.

Healthy eating is important when you are in a strength training program. Remember to follow these tips to ensure a healthy and successful bodybuilding diet program.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Fitness and Health. For more information regarding Body Building Diets please drop by at

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Submit Gear and Gold's Gym Bridge the Gap between Bodybuilding and Mixed Martial Arts

Gold's Gym, Training Ground, and Submit Gear Inc. are working together to create a training facility like no other.

The first of five Gold's Gym locations will be re-opening in October located at 2440 Cawthra Rd. in Mississauga. The new 45,000 sq. ft. facility will be introducing mixed martial arts classes consisting of Muay Thai, Boxing and Jiu Jitsu and will be managed by Kru Gerald Ching of "Training Ground" . The gym will have a designated martial arts area consisting of a full size boxing ring, octagon, and floor space for classes.

There are more people training today in martial arts than ever before. With today's tough competition, one of the key aspects to becoming a successful mixed martial arts fighter is impeccable physical conditioning.

"It makes perfect sense to offer weightlifting, cardio, and martial arts all under one roof" says Joe de Barros, president of Gold's Gym.

Other features of the new location include: indoor basketball court, indoor beach volleyball (instructed by Canadian Olympic Team member Kara Zakrzewski), juice bar, hairdresser, esthetician, child playroom, personal training, nutrition counselling, and a pro shop.

Gold's Gym will also be the first Canadian distributor of Submit Gear fight apparel, an online Mississauga-based clothing company ( which sells athletic apparel for fighters and fans. "We've just recently introduced our wholesale program, and to have Gold's Gym as our first Canadian distributor in my hometown is very exciting" says Mark Chiappino, owner of Submit Gear Inc.

For more information on the new Gold's Gym Mississauga location, visit

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Five: Tips To Weight Training And Bodybuilding

Weightlifting and Bodybuilding is all about setting goals and exceeding your personal goals and exceeding your boundaries on a weekly basis. Weight training and bodybuilding helps one to become stronger and healthier. Any type of good exercise helps a person to build up their self esteem as well as a person?s physical appearance. The main goal of all is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A person should care about their appearance but they should also be very concerned about their health. It is advised that a person who is interested in body building or weight training consult a physician first. A doctor will be able to determine which exercise or type of training would be best for a person?s physical health status.

To make clear the simplicity of bodybuilding and weight lifting I've arranged a list of five basic keys to successful training.

- Set a goal - short and long term.
- It is a must to ease into a training program with a wholesome, thoughtful nutritional plan - proper food, order and amount of consumption.
- Be confident from the beginning that these principles will produce results.
- A person should show Enthusiasm for weight training.

Working out doesn't have to take a lot of time. Walking a half hour per day around your neighborhood will give your body stamina and energy. The majority of fitness clubs or health clubs that offer aerobics are 45 minutes to an hour long. Taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself as well as your family. One of the great things about exercise, weightlifting or bodybuilding is that it doesn't need to be done alone. Find a friend with a similar fitness program and goals; having a partner helps you both stay motivated and enthusiastic.

Bodybuilding requires that one make achievable goals. You need to clearly define your goals that would help you achieve weight loss. There are times when you may feel a lot of stress at work, so much stress that the work involved actually keeps your mind in good company so that you may to lose track of the amount of reps while lifting weights its import to avoid this type of situation.

You may ask why we have to work out. We work out to look better, to feel better and energetic. These are the steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Jena Luthowski writes about Sports attributics, Golfballs coupon codes and Golfsmith coupons

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Bodybuilding Supplement Buying Tips

Just pick up a bodybuilding, or fitness magazine and you will see many ads for bodybuilding supplements. Bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts will turn to almost anything as long as the advertising tells them what they want to hear. Many bodybuilding supplement users are literally wasting their hard earned money, decreasing their health, and not seeing any results.

This huge drive for added muscle, and less body fat has lead to a bodybuilding supplement buying bonanza. Many weightlifting enthusiasts, who decided to not consider using steroids, are blindly turning to bodybuilding supplements for instant muscle building alternatives.

Once bodybuilding supplement manufacturers know how eager bodybuilders, and fitness buffs deeply desire fast muscle gain, they tend to market with extreme vigor to this results happy market. Watch out - not everything you read in their marketing material is valid. As a matter of fact, most of their claims are simply untrue. Pick up a muscle magazine. Look at all the huge claims. Don't they sound way too good to be true?

The fact is most bodybuilders, fitness buffs, and weight loss enthusiasts are so desperate for results they tend to buy into anything and everything they read. As a result of this behavior in helping you, I have listed five crucial points to consider before ever purchasing another bodybuilding supplement. Refer to this checklist listed below as a nutrition supplement consumer awareness guide that should be utilized before purchasing a bodybuilding, or dietary supplement.

To determine if your gym supplements are really legit, follow my 5 recommendations below. By doing so, you will be confident the claims are in alignment with the results you are anticipating.

1. Don't Buy Resulting From Word Of Mouth Or Advertising Claims - When inquiring on new bodybuilding supplements, don't trust what advertisers are claiming. Do your complete due diligence prior to purchasing it. Be a bit skeptical. Also, please be aware of your fellow fitness enthusiast wishing to help you develop bigger muscle, and lower your body fat by recommending specific potions they claim will work. Don't believe everything that is said! A few minutes of research will tell you the whole story. Don't be a follower, but a thinker.

It is crucial to understand that some bodybuilding supplement companies own and manage the fitness magazines they promote. Thus, the articles within can be directed at promoting their own bodybuilding supplements.

When reading bodybuilding supplement ads, please read the fine print. If they are referring to a specific research study, investigate that study further. It is well worth your time. Once again, don't believe everything you read!

2. Check To See If The Bodybuilding Supplement Is Banned - It is important to research the IOC, NFL, and NCAA banned substance list to see if your intended gym supplement is banned by any of these. If so, they can possibly be considered dangerous, and would not be considered a good idea to use.

3. Think Safety First - Is your muscle, or weight loss supplement really safe to take? Why would you want to risk your health attempting to achieve quicker results? Please consider the risk-to-benefit ratio for all bodybuilding supplements. Don't jeopardize your long term health in favor of adding five more pounds of muscle. Look for safety data on your particular supplement of interest. You should also refer to your physician by asking if there are any risks associated with a particular bodybuilding supplement.

4. Look For Scientific, Placebo-Controlled Studies - Do the studies refute or concur with the bodybuilding supplements claims? Have the research results been duplicated by other studies?

It is wise to know bodybuilding supplements are not required to undergo the same rigorous testing as pharmaceutical agents do. This lack of regulation results in the creation of worthless products back by highly stretched claims, all funded by large advertising budgets.

I highly recommend looking in well respected, peer-reviewed, scientific journals for the truth on bodybuilding supplements. You can find most well respected journals on the internet at PubMed, a resource brought to you by the National Library of Medicine.

5. Make Sure To Follow Recommended Doses - If the supplement is backed by numerous placebo-controlled studies, don't exceed the recommended dosages.

I remember one bodybuilder years ago ingesting upwards of forty amino acids each day. More may not be better, but possibly a risk to your long-term health.

It is also a good idea to discuss your bodybuilding supplement regimen with your physician. If you are taking prescription medications, certain nutritional supplements may interfere with the positive action of the medication.

No longer will you have to go into a bodybuilding supplement purchase blindfolded. By following my 5 bodybuilding supplement buying tips presented above, you will be confident you are getting the results so highly claimed on the label.

*** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners *** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, Blog, Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.

Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist

Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967

Jim O'Connor is a Beverly Hills Exercise Physiologist, and information publisher who is passionate about sharing the health, fitness, and bodybuilding truth. Visit Bodybuilding Hub for even more bodybuilding supplements tips.

Wellness Word, LLC is a health and fitness promotion firm located in Beverly Hills, California. Its goal is to provide consumers with the latest, and greatest health and fitness, bodybuilding, and nutrition tips, tricks, and techniqes available today. Wellness Word's managing partner is Celebrity Exercise Physiologist, and Trainer Jim O'Connor. The fitness truth is promoted through the Wellness Word Multimedia Newsletter

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Monday, March 17, 2008

What A Few Good Heros Taught Me About Bodybuilding

Marc David

Posted on a Bodybuilding Message Board:

Hi everyone I'm 15 and was wondering what I can take for my muscle to grow? I have heard of muscle boosters or something like that so I was just wondering if there was anything like that that I could take in order for my muscle to get huge.

I might be thinking of steroids.


Stop! What the HECK are you thinking? Why are we always looking for the short cut to the biggest gains while still being able to watch T.V.? I guess the word "hard work" isn't something you really need to do if you know some handy-dandy SECRETS to building muscle.

Clarence Darrow, a famous trial lawyer, once said:

"As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man (or woman) objected and no man (or woman) rebelled, those wrongs would last forever."

Listen closely! The term 'lifestyle' means ON-GOING and NEVER ending. A shortcut has no place in bodybuilding and certainly no place in getting into the best shape of your life.

So what?

I can already hear the voices now like waves crashing against a rocky wall "why should I care?" Or the other one "what's in it for me?"

A Blueprint for your Success:

* The more you know, the more educated you become from a cast of reliable sources and PASS that information on to your friends...

* The better off this industry will become...

* The FASTER you can AVOID mistakes...

* The FASTER you can make better LONG TERM progress!

FACT: According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens(NIDA):

"As part of a 2002 NIDA-funded study, teens were asked if they ever tried steroids?even once. Only 2.5% of 8th graders ever tried steroids; only 3.5% of 10th graders; and 4% of 12th graders."

Add to this an article I read in the May 2004 issue of Flex magazine by Tom Prince. He profiled his career in a very thought provoking article called "When the Posing Stops."

Tom Prince went on to explain his steroid use, his mad as a hatter like rush to the top, and eventually the pain he endures and his eventual kidney failure to reach a peak. The descriptions of his crumbling shoulder socket and the pain he must be in made me as sick as a dog.

At the time of the article, Tom Prince was 34 years old! He said:

"I will probably die younger than normal, 65 or something like that, but 65 is better than 35."

STOP and ask yourself this key question:

Are the youth of today any different then me 16 years ago when I was looking at bodybuilding magazines and wanting to be ripped and muscular? In my mind, I was willing to take all kinds of supplements and do whatever training program I could to look like those guys in the magazine ads. They were my HEROS and inspiration.

Thankfully I didn't go down that path.

Just last week, my friend (Yes I really have spoken on the phone with him several times) Tom Venuto sent out a issue asking people to take a look at the natural bodybuilders all over the Internet for inspiration.

Tom Venuto wrote:

"There ARE heroes and role models to look up to today, and you will find them in the drug-free bodybuilding movement."

He's RIGHT. In fact I know an older gentleman, Scott Hults, who's a big fan of natural bodybuilding and has done wonders in this sport to educate himself and others around him that taking shortcuts isn't the way to go and that hard work can pay-off at any age. If I can be in as good of shape as Scott when I'm older, I'd be lucky.

Think about it.

Toss this idea around, if you want to get better at something, you should do everything in your power to make the exercises HARDER, not easier.

Clearly you can see by now shortcuts simply don't come without a price. If you are one of those people who wants to make working out and building muscle or losing fat easy as cutting thru a banana cream pie, you'll never reach the goals you've set.

Richie Smith, a personal trainer with more horsepower in the gym then a Bugatti Veron, said "When you are child, your parents tell you to keep your hands off the stove?they tell you not to put your hand into the flame, because if you do, you'll get burned. If you?re serious about bodybuilding, you have to un-learn what you were taught as a child. When I train people, basically I'm telling them to put their hand right into the fire and keep it there. I have them train into and beyond the pain zone. That's what makes you grow."

Are you beginning to see how building muscle and changing your body is work but it's fun? Building your body isn't like FedEx ... it simply, positively DOESN'T happen overnight. But one could also say ... it's human nature to avoid hard work.

Tom Venuto wrote in his natural bodybuilding blog, "Most people are on a constant search for the path of least resistance. A drug, a supplement, a 'breakthrough technique' a new machine, a shortcut in exercise form?anything and everything they think will help them reach their goals with less effort and in less time. This is typical human nature. Unfortunately, this is also faulty thinking and you will NEVER become a champion with this type of attitude.

You can clearly see what I'm saying is certainly true...

If I could give you a training strategy that is GUARANTEED to increase your muscle and burn more fat, would you be interested?

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The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

Marc David

Inevitably there?s a myth that soy protein is horrible for bodybuilding and that if you are any where near serious about working out or building muscle you will stay away from it. In fact, some sites show ?studies? that soy protein and soy products can be detrimental to your health. And while it?s true that early claims of soy wonders might not be entirely true, there?s also myth that soy protein is bad.

First off, there?s a concept called the Biological Value Scale that was developed to measure the quality of specific proteins. It basically rates how efficiently your body will use a given protein source. The higher the BV (biological value), the more amino acids and nitrogen your body is retaining from the foods you eat. In sum, it becomes a way to measure the potential for quality muscle growth and strength.

There was a time when egg whites were at the top of the BV with a score of around 100. Since then, whey proteins have toped out the scales around 106-159 BV. This means that whey protein is better used for quality muscle growth.

But first a warning!

This doesn't mean that all you would utilize is whey protein for all your needs. Many times bodybuilders will use a variety of proteins depending on the BV and the times of day and if they just finished a workout.

Let me explain? Your protein needs in the morning are different then the middle of the day and are different again AFTER a workout and again different before bed.

All this means is that no one protein is the best for any given time. But before I get lost... let me show you the biological value scale in a simple form.

Type of Protein :: Biological Value Rating

Whey: 106-159 Egg: 100 Cow?s Milk: 91 Fish: 83 Casein: 80 Beef: 80 Chicken: 79 Soy: 74 Wheat Gluten: 54 Kidney Beans: 49

For all these reasons, you can and should see that soy protein is listed lower. That just means it?s not the most anabolic of proteins for optimal muscle growth.

But don?t get me wrong...

This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat soy protein if you enjoy it. It simply means that barring any religious beliefs or personal preferences, soy would not be the ideal protein source for enhanced muscle gains. This doesn't mean you cannot have it or that it?s bad for you.

In fact, let?s continue on with a little example.

John Q. Public 13% body fat 184 lbs 160 lbs of LBM (lean body mass)

For simplification we'll just say that for every LB of LBM (pound of lean body mass) John wants to get 1 g of protein.

John should be consuming 160 g of protein a day.

Here?s where the myth and some problems come into play! Read carefully.

If you get a vast amount of your protein from less BV sources then optimal (beans, soy) you will not prime your muscles for optimal anabolic growth. John shouldn't be getting 150+ grams of soy protein a day IF he wants to create the most muscle mass and he has no personal reasons not to use better quality sources.

John also won?t be in jeopardy of losing muscle or wasting his efforts if he ingests small quantities of soy proteins because he likes them. Having soy in his cereal is not going to make a difference.

The myth that soy will cause men to produce estrogen is when VAST quantities are ingested. Far beyond what any rational person would want to do on a prolonged basis.

A bodybuilder that has soy will not feel any differences, be any less anabolic then another person who does not consume soy at all.

Fact: A long-term metabolic balance study in young men to assess the nutritional quality of an isolated soy protein and beef proteins (VR Young, A Wayler, C Garza, FH Steinke, E Murray, WM Rand, and NS Scrimshaw) was published in 1984 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Am. J. Clinical Nutrition, Jan 1984; 39: 8 - 15.

After 84 days of two groups, one totally isolated soy protein and the other on beef proteins, found a conclusion that:

"Body cell mass measurements did not reveal any deterioration in protein nutritional status. These observations confirm the prediction, derived from previous short-term nitrogen balance studies, that the nutritional quality of isolated soy protein is high and that this plant protein can serve as the sole source of essential amino acids and nitrogen for protein maintenance in adults."

So let me summarize and review...

Soy is not the most biological available source for optimal anabolic muscle growth. If you were to finish a workout, you would want to ingest some high quality whey protein vs. soy proteins. However, simply having soy doesn't mean it?s bad for bodybuilding unless you are getting a majority of your protein from soy products. Then it?s not optimal. You?d also need to ingest quite a bit on a daily basis for any negative effects of soy to manifest (specifically aimed at males in this sentence).

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Best Bodybuilding Tip

If there is one surefire bodybuilding tip that I can share with you, which will skyrocket your muscle building efforts, it is rest.

Now you say rest. Yes, I am saying rest, don't workout. This may be way against the grain of your logical thinking, but according to sound physiology, it is right on. If you want to get bigger, stronger, and more cut; then I am recommending not to workout. Resting is the most powerful muscle building technique you can implement.

First off, your body develops muscle while you are resting, not during your bodybuilding workout sessions. Muscle fibers hypertrophy, or get bigger, and stronger than before, thus, get you ready to lift more weight during the next bout of exercise.

The entire muscle building process begins when you lift your first weight to a level of overload, or momentary muscle failure. You will be unable to move the weight for another repetition. This momentary muscle failure places stress on the muscle and calls upon it to adapt by becoming stronger to overcome similar resistance in the future. Thus, the growth process has been stimulated. Strength training to absolute muscle failure stimulates muscle growth, but doesn't produce muscle by itself.

Now you go home from the gym, and fuel your body to allow for an energy compensation to occur, which gets your body back to the energy level it was prior to your hi intensity training session. When this short step has completed, overcompensation begins. This is where muscle fibers thicken and begin to grow stronger.

The next question you might ask is how long do I rest? You rest long enough to complete this overcompensation process. Not resting long enough is the biggest mistake ninety nine percent of bodybuilding participants make. If you take the more is better approach by coming back before your muscles are fully recuperated, you will short circuit the whole muscle building process and decrease your bodybuilding workout results. Don't make this deadly mistake! Let your body completely finish growing before you stimulate it again with another bout of resistance overload.

There are a lot of variables that come into play when recommending the exact number of rest days. How hard did you workout? How many sets? How intense was the workout? The higher the intensity, and volume, the more rest days you will require between workouts. The average rest days vary between 3-15 days between workouts.

The best bodybuilding tip I can offer you for figuring out the exact amount of rest you need is by testing it. When I say "testing," I am referring to keeping a training log to determine if your strength increases, decreases, or stays the same. If your strength increases, your rest is optimal. If it decreases, you need to take 1-2 or more days off to allow the growth process to complete. If strength stays the same, take another day off before your next bodybuilding workout session.

Your goal should be to become stronger with each subsequent workout. Get into the gym, stimulate growth, and then get the hell out of the gym to go home and grow.

Therefore, rest is the most neglected principle in the bodybuilding universe. Think more is not better. Higher intensity plus optimal rest equals muscle growth.

Please don't make this critical mistake, rest is by far the most important bodybuilding tip I can share with you. Follow it to obtain maximum muscle growth quickly.

***** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners ***** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your eZine, Blog, Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, text, and resource box are not altered in any way.

Jim O'Connor- Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Wellness WORD, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967

Exercise Physiologist Jim O'Connor creates and markets empowering health and fitness products across the world. Visit his Bodybuilding Done Right Blog and receive, for free, his report on The 5 Most Deadly Muscle Building Mistakes You Must Avoid. Building Mistakes You Must Avoid

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Protein and bodybuilding (2)

Many body builders and weight lifters are overly concerned about what they eat and what food supplements they take. If you want to grow larger and stronger muscles, you should concentrate on lifting weights, but you can help muscles grow larger by understanding how what you eat affects how you recover from hard exercise. Just exercising will not make you strong and it will not help you to grow large muscles. If exercise made you strong, marathon runners would have the largest muscles. The only stimulus to make muscles larger and stronger is to stretch them while they contract. When you lift a heavy weight, your muscles start to stretch before they start to contract. This tears the muscle and causes soreness on the next day and beyond. If you rest and let the muscle heal, it will be stronger than before you stretched it lifting weights. This training principle of stress-and-recover is so strong that you can enlarge a muscle by lifting weights even if you are fasting, losing weight and all your other muscles are getting smaller. In one study, obese, un-athletic women were instructed to restrict food and lift weights. They averaged a weight loss of more than 35 pounds in three months and gained a lot of muscle. Training for sports is done by taking a hard workout and then having sore muscles on the next day. Then you take easy workouts or you take off until the muscle soreness disappears. You improve by taking hard workouts and your muscles grow and heal while you recover on your easy days. Of course, if you could recover faster from a hard workout, you could do more work and be a better athlete. Scientists have known for years that you recover faster by eating carbohydrates immediately after you finish your hard workout. Other studies show that eating extra protein on the day that you take hard workouts helps you recover even faster. Eating extra protein reduces muscle damage during hard exercise. Eating carbohydrates along with a protein building block called leucine helps you to recover even faster. Chronic muscle fatigue in athletes is associated with low blood levels of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. The sooner you eat protein after you finish your hard workout, the quicker you will recover. The benefits of eating protein soon after you lift weights do not apply just too elite athletes. A study from the University of Arkansas shows that eating meat helps older people grow large muscles when they also lift weights. Muscles are made primarily from protein building blocks called amino acids. Muscles heal from a hard workout when amino acids and other nutrients travel from your bloodstream into the muscles. Eating food, particularly protein, immediately after you finish your workout helps muscles heal faster. This study shows that men between the ages of 51 and 69 recover faster and grow larger muscles when they include meat than when they eat only dairy, fruits, vegetable, whole grains, beans, seeds and nuts. Most foods contain protein. Your stomach acids and enzymes in the stomach and intestines break down proteins into their building blocks, amino acids, which pass from the intestine into the bloodstream. If your body needs to build protein, your liver combines amino acids to form body proteins. Your body has no way to store extra protein. If you don't need all of the protein you have eaten, it is broken down into organic acids and ammonia, which can be used for energy or stored as fat. .

Hamoon Arbabi We provide you detailed information about whey protein powder, benefits, possible side effects, and ...

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Whey Protein and Bodybuilding

Most bodybuilders would agree that supplementing with whey protein is an important element in achieving serious muscle gains. This article will examine the facts relating to whey protein as a supplement and help you decide whether you need to follow this particular strategy. Whey protein is produced during the process that sees milk turned into cheese. It is also found naturally in dairy products, eggs, soy and vegetable proteins but none of these compares in quality to whey protein powder. It also scores highly in providing the branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) that are important in the building and retention of muscle. Whey protein is highly favored by bodybuilders because it provides the necessary building blocks to produce the amino acids that the body uses to build lean muscle tissue. Many studies have shown that whey protein contains the perfect combination of amino acids, in just the right concentration for optimal performance in the body. It is also thought that whey protein has a role as an anti-oxidant and immune system builder. It is best taken in powder form mixed in juice or milk, spread throughout the day to maintain a positive nitrogen balance. Serious bodybuilders often consume up to 150 grams each day but as a rule of thumb, daily protein intake for active trainers can be calculated by taking your weight in pounds and multiplying by 1 or 1.5. But remember, you need to work out how much protein is taken from food and other sources, and then spread the remaining whey protein balance over the day. Whey protein is a relatively safe supplement but no more than 30 grams of protein should be taken at one sitting as excessive single doses could overload the liver. The safety of whey protein has been well documented in many scientific studies and there is clear proof that taken consistently, coupled with regular exercise, it will result in meaningful muscle gain. You can find out more about the muscle building benefits provided by whey protein at the web site listed below.

Hamoon Arbabi We provide you detailed information about whey protein powder, benefits, possible side effects, and ...

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Women Are Into Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding has burgeoned into a legitimate career field that is attracting those women as well as men who are willing to make the necessary personal sacrifices to achieve success.

However, no longer is the weight room the exclusive domain of contest-oriented bodybuilders and big-time pro athletes (e.g., football, basketball, baseball and hockey players). It would appear that on the whole, Americans have finally come to a point of intelligent awareness about weight training and an appreciative acceptance of bodybuilding and bodybuilders.

Within the past ten or so years the number of "everyday people" working out with the diverse types of weight-training equipment - Camm II, Cybex, Nautilus, Universal, Weight Master, or "free weights" (barbells and dumbbells) - has risen markedly.

There has also been a noticeable increase in the number of amateur and professional physique contests along with an increase in competitors and audience size. Even a casual observer of this sport would be hard pressed to fail to notice that not only is the number of competitors getting deeper but the quality is getting better with each new contest.

Bodybuilding is now big business, a multimillion dollar a year industry, that has attracted a host of assorted entrepreneurial types. Gym owners, magazine publishers, sports-apparel clothiers, promoters, agents, producers of weight-lifting videos, all are currently earning enough money from the realm of "glistening bodies and tingling muscles" to afford themselves a relatively comfortable lifestyle. And their cumulative input has helped to make professional bodybuilding more sophisticated, more complex, and much more profitable than it was in previous years.

Of course, innovative and sunny California is the mecca for bodybuilders, with Florida and New York tying for second. Nonetheless, statistics show that more muscle books and magazines, exercising equipment and attire, in addition to numerous other health and fitness items, are being sold at the present time than ever before.

Now to the uninitiated, the world of competitive bodybuilding might appear to be a strange world. And, in truth, it is undeniably different from the world most people are used to. It is somewhat of an esoteric world -- a world with its own unique language, norms, culture, and particular geographic locations, both in the states and in foreign countries, where accomplished practitioners of this subculture are looked upon as being demigods and are rewarded with huge sums of money.

It is a world where the human body is molded and shaped by "pumping iron," lifting heavy poundage weights a few reps to build "bulk" and "mass," and lifting light poundage weights multiple reps to acquire "definition" and "cuts." It is a world where the body is divided into seven-muscle groups: the abdomen, the back, the buttocks, the chest, the arms, the legs and the shoulders, with no single group of these muscles being more important than any one of the others.

It is a world where the bodybuilder, in an effort to fashion the perfect physique, experiences strain, soreness and pain. It is a world of special foods, protein drinks, supplemental vitamins and strict pre-contest dieting. It is a world where both male and female bodybuilders pray daily for maximum muscle growth gains. It is a world where some of these bodybuilders inject male hormones into their systems to assure an increase in their muscle size and strength.

It is a world where bodybuilders - other than fulfilling the fundamental requirements of being genetically endowed, training hard and having a well-choreographed stage presentation - must be good-looking, articulate, personable and well-versed on the topics of anatomy, physiology, nutrition, weight management and the historical evolution of bodybuilding in order to be considered true world-class competitors.

At one time, women, in their traditionally more sedentary life role, were not as athletically inclined as men. They were neither encouraged to evolve physically nor to engage in strenuous physical activities. They were encouraged, however, to put on skimpy bathing suits and appear onstage at male physique contests to hand out trophies to the winners and to provide a pleasurable diversion for the predominantly male audience. Well, today, another citadel of the noble male animal has stubbornly but emphatically bitten the dust, as women have muscled their way into muscledom.

The majority of modern-day women who weight train do so because they have realized that it can improve their health, enhance their overall physical fitness and appearance and better their athletic performance. But in addition to the aforementioned, other women have realized that magazine exposure, television coverage, acting and modeling assignments, plus physique contests, seminars, mail-order businesses, the endorsement of weight-training equipment, gym shoes, workout attire, besides sundry additional health-related products have brought worldwide attention and financial gain to a sizable number of professional women bodybuilders. And some of these women generate incomes that range in the six-figure-a-year earnings bracket.

Consequently, competitive women's bodybuilding has become a fast growing sport, adding a fresh and exciting dimension to the bodybuilding scene. And the woman bodybuilder has come to be a positive symbol for her badgered sex caught up in exploitative propaganda of gimmicky ways to obtain instant beauty and good health.

Nevertheless, despite all that's been said, far too many women still labor under gross physical and physiological misconceptions about weight training that can impede their physical progress. As an example, scores of women continue to believe that weight training will cause them to become "muscle-bound" and look like a man. This is a fallacy. Women don't have the male hormone testosterone in abundant enough quantity to produce the herculean-sized muscles of competitive male bodybuilders. And there is simply no way for women to bring these muscles into being without making a conscious decision to do so by taking harmful drugs.

Furthermore, reshaping the body and improving stamina and strength to endure as well as bounce back from the daily grind of life are one thing, whereas competitive bodybuilding is another thing. In competitive bodybuilding, the athlete works very hard on his or her muscles with the singular aim of forging a rock-solid, power-packed, well-defined physique for competition that a conventional thinker might consider to be an unsightly physique. Therefore, those women who are naturally prone to gain weight, and those who are turned off at the thought of even possibly developing gigantic muscles can prevent these things from occurring by eating moderately, by working out with light poundage weights at a high number of repetitions and by not injecting male hormones into their systems.

Due to the voluminous amount of information currently available on health and exercise, many women know about the gains they can derive from cardiovascular and flexibility training. They know such aerobic activities as bicycling, dancing, jogging, walking and swimming will burn fat, lower blood pressure, heighten metabolism, make the cardiovascular system operate more efficiently, and strengthen and tighten the legs and buttocks.

Yet many of these women don't know what to do about making the other muscles of the body firmer and stronger. They initially come to a gym with high hopes of getting rid of expanded hips and thick thighs, as well as making their bodies tone, which to them usually means losing fat without developing gigantic muscles.

Having primarily relied on dieting for weight control or reduction, they see gym training as a method of speeding up the calorie burning, streamlining process. Unfortunately, these women don't understand the relationship between muscle and shape. Dieting and aerobics alone will leave them with unappealing, unshaped muscles unless they do some kind of resistance training to better their bodies overall muscular condition. Muscle, unlike fat, can be shaped and contoured. And most women would benefit by losing an inch of adipose tissue and replacing it with a half-inch of muscle tissue.

Women have the same skeletal muscles as men, and, as with men, their muscles need to be properly exercised to form a truly well-conditioned, well-proportioned physique. Women also need to be aware that strength and femininity are not mutually exclusive. A woman can be strong with a "hard body" and be sexually desirable and feminine as well. Moreover, the double standard that permits men to grow old, but not women, should be abolished. Still, training the body becomes even more necessary with advancing age. Without some kind of resistance training the muscles begin to sag and atrophy while a woman is in her early 20s. And by the time she reaches her 30s or 40s, it's quite possible for her to lose all the sex appeal she was so proud of when she was young.

Obviously, weight training cannot stop the aging process. But it can stave off the limitations of old age by keeping the body healthy and strong. Weight training slows down, and in some cases reverses, what time and gravity inflict on the body. As a consequence, a woman can have an eye-catching, physically fit body regardless of what her chronological age may be.

Thus, weight-trained women are revealing to women around the globe that through weight training, aerobic exercise and proper diet, women can have the type of body that is athletically and aesthetically ideal for them: lean, firm, well-balanced, vigorous and youthful. And by way of media exposure, women bodybuilders have been able to demonstrate to the public at large the beauty, grace, power, and sinewy muscularity that can be attained by women.

Outlined below is a basic list of anatomical and exercise principles that women should keep in mind so as to assist them in reaping the most realistic results from their weight-training workouts:

1. Women's muscles do get bigger from working out with weights, but not that much bigger.

2. Muscle mass in women usually brings about improvement in muscle shape, which is revealed by way of a more appealing, well-formed physique.

3. Through exercise you burn fat stored in the body to uncover the muscle beneath the skin. Fat never changes into muscle.

4. If you finish your set of repetitions too easily (for instance, you could have done 3 or 4 more reps), you should think about using a heavier weight.

5. Free weights and machines perform the same function: they provide resistance against which your muscles can contract. One type of equipment does not necessarily make you thicker and the other type slimmer.

6. Working out with free weights has a different feel from working out with machines. So you will have to experiment with both to find out which one is appropriate to use for the exercise you're doing.

7. In most cases, a woman's upper body is much smaller and weaker than her lower body. For this reason, the upper body must be worked a lot more to make it bigger and stronger.

8. The more notable physical changes require the greatest amount of time and work; exercise helps in controlling body weight but not to the exclusion of diet. You shouldn't look for, nor expect, a dramatic overnight change in your weight and physique.

9. Progressive-resistance training is not enough, you need aerobic and flexibility training, too. In fact, you should get involved with various kinds of exercise to keep your workout interesting as well as to produce total-body fitness. Visit Web site

As a nationally certified fitness instructor, La Rue conducted exercise and bodybuilding classes for the YMCA and other organizations. La Rue also was an instructor/trainer for the Michigan Heart Association, a board member of the Metropolitan Detroit Health Education Council, and a member of the YMCA Physical Education Committee. La Rue is a Detroit native with a BA in English from Wayne State University

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Natural Bodybuilding Superior To Steroids

Bodybuilding enthusiasts and athletes looking to gain an inside competitive advantage constantly battle with the temptation to take steroids or not. Deciding to body build naturally is much better than taking the steroid route. There are a number of good reasons to support this statement.

First off, have you ever seen what happens to a bodybuilder when they go off muscle enhancing anabolic steroids? Two words that muscle building enthusiasts never want to hear, atrophy (get small), and strength lose. The fact is a steroid induced bodybuilder shouldn't stay on steroids day in and day out for years on end. It is suggested to cycle your administration, say, 6-10 weeks at a time, and then go off for an extended period of time before starting again. Weeks following going off tend to equal muscle atrophy, decreased strength, and even depression.

Natural bodybuilding may not elicit that huge, rapid spike in muscle growth in a super short time, but illustrate a long term, stable growth curve. It may take longer to develop muscle strength and size, but when you have it, you have it as long as you keep training at an intense level. However, as witnessed many times by former steroid users, a rapid shrink in size and strength occur to levels sometimes below the natural bodybuilder's production. How much fun is that?

Take, for instance, a professional baseball player who administers generous amounts of steroids one year and hits 58 home runs, but is only able to hit 16 during his next, steroid free season.

Since we all want instant results, steroids may be attractive, but the medical side effects don't quite seem worth it.

Is adding ten pounds of muscle more important than increasing heart disease risk, cancer risk, or manipulating your natural hormonal balance? This question is only for you to answer, not me. In my opinion, the risks far outweigh the benefits which are only visible when you are taking steroids. Size and strength quickly decrease after ceasing steroid use.

Steroid users seem to have a greater risk of injury from the muscle tissue growing faster than the, trying to adapt, connective tissue. The workloads are more aggressive, more frequent, and with faster muscle building recovery times. Once again, do you want the injury prone "quick fix," or the slow, but steady wins the race approach? Just remember, the natural bodybuilder will probably show better results compared to the steroid user who has not used steroids in years. Are all the health risks worth it?

Anabolic steroids are illegal if not administered by a physician. I known people who have died, and even been thrown in jail for using, and selling anabolic steroids. It just doesn't seem worth it to me.

There can also be a sense of addiction for the non-natural bodybuilders. The performance enhancing, drug user gets a very good feeling when their bodies are pumped up and buff. However, the opposite happens when they stop the steroids, and the muscle shrinking process begins. Imagine the feeling these athletes get. Their body image quickly erodes, and thoughts of the next muscle producing cycle are rolling around in their heads.

Aside from the health, and legal risks, it also costs quite a bit of money to take muscle enhancing drugs.

Hopefully, I convinced you to not take the performance enhancing pathway, but to use your resources, and energy into training smarter. If you are a natural bodybuilder, and want an advantage, you must train in an intelligent manner. That means providing the proper intensity of muscle producing stimulus, followed by adequate rest. The natural bodybuilder must pay extra close attention to sound training practices, in order to continue that gradual, continuous climb up the muscle development ladder.

Just remember to be patient and think long term results, not quick, short term, hi-risk muscular development. If you make a chart listing all the positives versus the negatives when it comes to natural bodybuilding versus steroid induced training, the natural bodybuilding positives far outweigh the drug induced positives. Therefore, in my eyes, natural bodybuilding is a much better training system than anabolic induced bodybuilding.

***** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners ***** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your eZine, Blog, Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, text, and resource box are not altered in any way.

Jim O'Connor- Exercise Physiologist

Wellness WORD, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967

Jim O'Connor is a Beverly Hills celebrity fitness trainer who teaches the natural bodybuilding lifestyle. Discover all his training secrets by visiting

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Shopping for Supermarket Protein Sources that Enhance Your Bodybuilding Diet

If you are getting into bodybuilding then you need to understand that what you eat is just as important as what you exercise. In other words, you can lift as many weights as you like but if your muscles are not getting the fuel they need to grow, you are wasting a great deal of effort.

You Need Protein

With just a little research into an effective bodybuilding diet you will quickly discover that enough protein is one of the most (some say the most) important parts of your nutritional intake. In short, protein is the building block of lean muscle - a lack of protein means your muscle building potential is much lower.

There are many opinions on how much protein your body needs each day and it may depend on your bodybuilding goals. Typically you might consider taking around 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight each day.

Using Nutritional Information to Choose Your Foods

There are plenty of foods in your local supermarket or grocery store that contain a useful amount of protein. Today's regulations that ensure food product manufacturers display the nutritional content of their product make choosing your groceries a breeze. However, before you go running off to buy every high protein food you can find, a certain amount of care must be taken. Take the time to read through the food's nutritional information table in it's entirety. Not only are you looking out for the protein content but you also need to consider fat content, sugar content, carbohydrates, and so on. If your goal is to grow lean muscle then it is a good idea to avoid too many products high in simple sugars, calories and refined carbohydrates.

Popular High Protein Groceries in Your Bodybuilding Diet

You are now ready to hit the supermarket in search of quality protein food sources. These are foods that are high in protein but not so high in other elements that will hinder your lean muscle targets (i.e. calories, carbs, etc.):

MEAT: If you enjoy eating meat then generally 3 meats are recommended. The favorite is chicken (the number of recipes you can find on bodybuilding forums show this). Chicken is very lean and cheap. Similarly, turkey is actually slightly leaner then chicken and has higher protein percentage. Lean beef (look for cuts that are really red without any visible fat when possible) is another great source of protein.

EGGS: Raw or cooked, eggs are another staple in a lot of bodybuilder's diets. Many people will avoid the yolk of the egg and simply eat the white, discarding some quality protein. It's true that the yolk of an egg contains most of the calories but it also contains most of the eggs nutrients as well as some protein. Why not save a few of the yolks!

FISH: Fish is an important source of protein and many bodybuilders live off cans of tuna. In fact I knew one guy who would mix in a can of tuna with his cereal every morning - not really my idea of a tasty start to the day.

MILK/DAIRY: 'Skimmed' or 'fat free' milk is another good source of quality protein and can be consumed as it is (think homemade shakes or in your breakfast cereal) or in so many dairy foods. You need to take care with which dairy products you choose but there are always options for the dieting conscious. You can eat fat free versions of your favorite yogurts, ice-creams (watch out for other ingredients), cheeses (cottage cheese is always highly recommended), and more.

SOY: The vegetarians amongst you will no doubt be aware of the protein content of soy products. Soy beans are pulses and so they contain a good helping of protein. Soy beans are used to make soy milk, tofu and many meat substitutes, many of which taste like the real thing. This not only helps vegetarian bodybuilders but also people with a lower tolerance for dairy products.

AND...: There are plenty of other foods high in protein such as nuts (good for vegetarians) pulses (another good source for vegetarians), cereals, and so on. Take some time to research other foods on the internet - there is a massive amount of information on websites, forums, newsletters, and so on.

Is Protein All a Bodybuilder Needs?

No. Protein, although a vital part of a bodybuilder's diet, is not the be all and end all. Bodybuilders also need the energy to physically perform their exercises and this comes mostly from carbohydrates, or more specifically, complex carbohydrates. This is a subject of another article so watch this space. You need both a higher protein intake to 'rebuild' your muscle and the appropriate complex carbohydrates to fuel your workouts.

Now go and make a quality protein shopping list then hit the supermarket!

Adam Zahler has built the Whey Protein Supplements in Bodybuilding site, a free resource with information on using commercial supplements in your own bodybuilding recipes. Visitors to the site can find recipe ideas and also share their own recipes for making protein shakes, protein bars and other more.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Avoid Common Bodybuilding|Weightlifting Injuries-Common Mistakes In Gym

Bodybuilding by weightlifting if done wrongly is a sure recipe for injuries. Sometimes even painful and permanent injuries that will derail your bodybuilding program. This article will address the common injury prone mistakes bodybuilders make in their quest to build a fit and muscular body and how to avoid those weightlifting injuries.

Many people who workout in gyms complain about backaches and they blamed it on their desk bound jobs sitting in front of the computer at long stretches of time. Perhaps they are right. Then why is it that more bodybuilders have backaches when compared to their non gym going colleagues?

Aren?t those people who lift weights are supposed to have stronger back muscles to support their musculature and should be less prone to backaches? I think you are getting the drift. Many bodybuilders suffer from common weightlifting injuries that they don?t even know it.

Many people actually think that if they do not suffer any pain when they are lifting weights, they are not injured. I want to debunk this bodybuilding myth right now. You see, many weight lifting injuries are very often sustained over a period of time.

It is because of the wrong weightlifting form being repeated over and over through many training sessions that cause the wear and tear of joints, tendons, cartilages and muscles. Many injuries do not just occur immediately or overnight like the weights dropping on your toes or painful muscle tear during your lifts.

Therefore executing your weightlifting movements in the correct form and techniques not only help your muscles to grow big and fast, it is also crucial to prevent bodybuilding injuries.

Common causes of injuries can also be attributed to lifting weights that are too heavy or that the bodybuilder who may be sick, and yet headed for the gym when his condition is not optimum for handling the weight he usually lift as he is in a physically weakened state.

So when the weights are too heavy or you are too weak to lift the weights you usually do, you are forced to cheat by swinging the weights up using momentum and lowering the weights by using gravity.

These movements not only waste your time in the gym as they are definitely not helpful in helping you build muscles. They will cause injuries.

An example of a common exercise done in the wrong form and a recipe for injuries is the common bar bell curl.

? Barbell Biceps Curl ? This exercise is perhaps the most commonly executed in the wrong form and causing injuries that people don?t even know why they are injured. In every gym, you will see people swinging their barbells with their body rocking thru and fro in the movements.

The rocking movement places tremendous stress on the shoulder joint which is the most unstable joint in the human body and the lower back. Over time, the shoulder joints and lower back will pay a heavy price for the wrong form and technique used during the lift.

Other common bodybuilding exercises which are often wrongly executed are the lat pull down, bench press, leg extension, military press and list goes on.

So the next time when you have backache or joint pain, don?t blame it on other causes if you are a bodybuilder and that you lift weights often. Just reflect on the weightlifting exercises you are doing and examined them as to whether they are the cause of your injuries.

Better yet, hire a personal trainer or a bodybuilding book with picture illustration and description to learn how to lift weights in the correct form and technique to prevent common and serious weight lifting injuries.

Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of actors, pageant winners, fashion models and other celebrities. More articles on his websites Lose body fat build lean muscles fast and Choose your fitness trainer

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Positioning Of The Spine During Bodybuilding Workout

Although the entire body needs to be properly positioned during bodybuilding workout, the axial skeleton and its immediate attachments are of greatest concern and require particular attention. Correctly positioning and stabilizing the spine, neck and pelvis during resistance-training exercises are especially important. To see better how these areas should be positioned during exercise, you should first be aware of how they are positioned when held or stabilized aat ret. Not everyone has the same degree of spinal curvature, and some may have spinal abnormalities. If you or someone you are training has any of these abnormalities or any type of back problems, be sure a doctor is consulted before beginning any exercises program.

Different schools of thought exist regarding the spine and exercise. Some people advocate flattening the back during most any exercise in which a bench, pad, or some sort of outside support is present. The theory behind this concept is to reduce the stress on the spine, intervertebral disks, and lower-back area by bracing them against a support. Flattening the back actually requires most people to tilt the pelvis posteriorly. The spine is in its strongest position and the disks are under the least amount of compression when the spine, neck and pelvis are all in a neutral position with the normal arches and curvatures intact. With this in mind, we prefer to do most every exercise while keeping the lumbar spine and the cervical spine in a neutral position. The only change is a slight degree of extension or straightening through the thoracic religion. To do this, we simply pull the shoulder blades together and lift the chest slightly up and out while maintaining the ntural arch in the lumbar and cervical regions of the spine. An example of this would be soldiers standing at attention with their shoulders back and their chest out. This spinal positioning is called a ready position.

Positioning the spine in this manner supports weight more efficiently and still allows for the least amount of intervertebral disk compression in the cervical and lumbar regions. Instead of bracing the lower back by flattening it, you should maintain the natural arch in the lumbar spine. Maintaining this position will require stabilization from the muscles throughout the back, particularly those of the lower region. This is an added benefit. These muscles will be working to stabilize what is a natural and desirable spinal position while the targeted muscles are working against the resistance. Muscles of the trunk and lower back are typically weak links in most individuals. Using this positioning will help to strengthen and stabilize these weak links rather than pacifying them. Isn't strengthening weak muscles one of the reasons we do resistance training in the first place ?

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