Monday, February 11, 2008

BodyBuilding Secrets

I'm filled with disbelief when asked why people do bodybuilding it's as incredulous as asking why get an education. The answer to both is to improve oneself. Perhaps people's perception of a bodybuilder applies only to those guys who compete in the national level contests or are shown on the covers of the muscle magazines. Bodybuilding isn't limited to them; it includes the recreational gym rat who just wants to look good in his Speedo's in the local pool and not be mistaken for a pencil-necked geek.

Besides the obvious health benefits, bodybuilding is the closest thing available to the Fountain of Youth. There are also benefits that can't be measured: self-confidence, self-discipline, and the esteem of others, since we are often judged initially on our looks. In short, the benefits, both tangible and intangible, far outweigh what minor incontinences there may be of going to the gym and getting hot, sweaty, and sore.

The world of bodybuilding can be a complicated one, especially for a beginner. What to eat? What type of exercise? Which routine? How many reps? How many sets? Etc. There is also conflicting information and various methods. First and foremost let's not kid ourselves. Bodybuilding is about re-sculpturing you body to any degree that you desire and is going to take a lot of determination and hard work nothing in life is easy. The rest is common sense.

A few things to remember when you do take up bodybuilding;

First and foremost, safety must take priority stay within your limits Having a six pack DOES NOT require special equipment, only the proper dietary knowledge. Know exact rep and set ranges for maximum muscle growth. Longer training sessions actually diminish results. The MOST EFFECTIVE exercises for each muscle group -- common "shaping movements" actually DETRACT FROM MUSCLE SIZE! Performing exercises in a specific order is crucial to success. Improve NATURALLY (through training and good diet) boost hormone levels naturally. High reps do NOTHING to promote definition. Manipulate sets accordingly for sustained growth. Varying grips are necessary for complete muscular development. Aerobics is an effective fat burner and helps to counteract the anaerobic lifting side. Performing a large number of exercises for a particular muscle group is a complete time waster and actually restricts growth. The proper amount of meals per day to maximize muscle growth AND fat loss is crucial. The calorie manipulation approach can help to control body fat levels. Volume based programs (large sets, many exercises, etc) are a waste of time. Each muscle group requires LESS exercise to produce MORE muscle! Water in conjunction with food produces fuller, larger muscles (70% of our body is water).

Diet is important, take in only substances which aid in improvement

Remember every exercise you do affects more than one body part, so structure your routine accordingly. Each muscle group needs time to recover and grow.

Ash Trivedi is a local kid from the neighbourhood who, after facing torment and bullying at school decided to take up bodybuilding and went on to develop a toned, muscle filled body that most guys would give their right arm for. Learn more about bodybuilding at

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